Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


2.1 How to install JP1/Software Distribution Manager

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 show the procedure for installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager as the central manager or a relay manager.

Figure 2-1 JP1/Software Distribution Manager installation procedure (1/2)


Figure 2-2 JP1/Software Distribution Manager installation procedure (2/2)


If you select any of Asset Information Manager Subset, WSUS Linkage, Packager, OpenView Linkage, OpenView Gateway Server, or Remote Control Agent as installation components in addition to Server, you must also set up the selected components during installation.

You can install Remote Control Manager of the Server on a separate machine from the Server. In such a case, Server core facility is not installed. For details about how to install Remote Installation Manager, see 2.2 Installing Remote Installation Manager.

You can install Asset Information Manager Subset on a separate machine from Server core facility, in which case Remote Installation Manager is required.

For notes about installing Asset Information Manager Subset and how to install Asset Information Manager Subset on a separate machine from JP1/Software Distribution, see 2.3 Installing Asset Information Manager Subset.

You install WSUS Linkage on the WSUS server and OpenView Linkage on an HP Network Node Manager. For details about how to install only these components from the JP1/Software Distribution Manager installation medium, see 2.4 Installing JP1/Software Distribution on a WSUS server and 2.5 Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager in HP Network Node Manager.

OpenView Gateway Server must be installed on the same PC as the Server core facility of the Server.

Organization of this section
2.1.1 Logging on
2.1.2 Starting the installer
2.1.3 Registering the user
2.1.4 Specifying the installation directory
2.1.5 Selecting the manager type
2.1.6 Selecting the database
2.1.7 Selecting the components
2.1.8 Selecting the program folder
2.1.9 Specifying work directories
2.1.10 Setting up the database
2.1.11 Setting the package storage directory
2.1.12 Setting the software operation history storage directory
2.1.13 Specifying the network connection settings
2.1.14 Setting up services
2.1.15 Specifying the ID key for operations
2.1.16 Setting the number of subsystems that can be connected simultaneously
2.1.17 Setting user management
2.1.18 Specifying the connection destination (Remote Installation Manager)
2.1.19 Setting up AMT Linkage
2.1.20 Setting the virtual directory for Asset Information Manager Subset
2.1.21 Setting up WSUS Linkage
2.1.22 Specifying the connection destination (Packager)
2.1.23 Setting up OpenView Linkage
2.1.24 Setting up the OpenView gateway server
2.1.25 Checking the Notes for the Remote Control Agent
2.1.26 Confirming the installation
2.1.27 Finishing the installation