Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


2.1.11 Setting the package storage directory

When you are installing the Server, you specify the database for storing packages and the storage directory. The actual dialog box that is displayed depends on the type of database used for logging JP1/Software Distribution management information.

Organization of this subsection
(1) For Embedded RDB or Oracle
(2) For Microsoft SQL Server
(3) Notes about setting the package storage directory

(1) For Embedded RDB or Oracle

If you select Embedded RDB or Oracle in the Select Database dialog box and install the Server core facility of the Server, the Specify Directory for Saving Packages dialog box is displayed.

Figure 2-16 Specify Directory for Saving Packages dialog box


Specify in this dialog box the directory for saving packages. To change the default package storage directory, click the Browse button and select a desired directory.

(2) For Microsoft SQL Server

If you select Microsoft SQL Server in the Select Database dialog box and install the Server core facility of the Server, the Selecting Package Storage Method dialog box is displayed.

Figure 2-17 Select Package Storage Method dialog box


If you use Microsoft SQL Server for logging JP1/Software Distribution management information, you can select either the relational database (Microsoft SQL Server) or the file system for storing packages. Although use of the file system is recommended, Microsoft SQL Server is also available as the package storage database. The default is File system.

If you select the file system, specify the directory for saving packages.

Directory used for saving packages
To change the default package storage directory, click the Browse button and select a desired directory.

(3) Notes about setting the package storage directory

You should note the following if you change the package storage directory when you upgrade your system or change installation settings: