Part 1: Description
Part 2: Exercise
Part 3: Design
4.3 Estimating memory requirements
4.3.1 Estimating memory requirements during normal operation
4.3.2 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbimport command
4.3.3 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbidxrebuild command
4.3.4 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbgetcst command
4.3.5 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbexport command
4.3.6 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbmergechunk command
4.3.7 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbarchivechunk command
4.3.8 Estimating memory requirements during execution of the adbunarchivechunk command
5.2.2 Criteria for selecting row store tables and column store tables
5.2.5 Points to consider in defining an archivable multi-chunk table [Row store table]
5.2.7 Fixing the row length (FIX specification) [Row store table]
5.2.9 Specifying a primary key (uniqueness constraint definition) (PRIMARY KEY) [Single-chunk table]
5.2.11 Allocating an unused area inside the data page (PCTFREE) [Row store table]
5.2.12 Branch specification for column data of variable-length data types (BRANCH) [Row store table]
5.3.1 Notes on defining B-tree indexes (unfinished status of B-tree indexes)
5.3.2 Points to consider in determining the columns to be defined for a B-tree index
5.3.3 Whether to use a single-column index or a multiple-column index
5.3.4 Allocating an unused area inside a B-tree index page (PCTFREE)
5.3.5 Points to consider in determining the columns to be defined for a unique index
5.3.6 Setting a null-value exclusion specification (EXCLUDE NULL VALUES)
5.4.1 Points to consider in determining the columns to be defined for a text index
5.4.2 Allocating an unused area inside a text index page (PCTFREE)
5.4.3 Notes on defining text indexes (unfinished status of text indexes)
5.4.4 Notation-correction-search text-index specification (CORRECTIONRULE)
5.4.5 Specifying a text index for a word-context search (TEXT WORDCONTEXT)
5.4.6 Selecting the delimiting characters for word-context searches (DELIMITER)
5.8 Estimating the size of the data DB area
5.8.1 Determining the total number of pages in the data DB area
5.8.2 Determining the number of pages for storing each type of row
5.8.3 Determining the number of storage pages for each B-tree index segment
5.8.5 Determining the number of storage pages for each text index segment
5.8.6 Determining the number of segments for storing each range index
6.3 Estimating the HADB server's memory requirement
6.3.3 Determining the memory requirement for starting the HADB server
6.3.4 Determining the memory requirement during normal operation
6.3.5 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbinit command
6.3.6 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbimport command
6.3.7 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbidxrebuild command
6.3.8 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbgetcst command
6.3.9 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbdbstatus command
6.3.10 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbexport command
6.3.11 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbstat command
6.3.12 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbmodarea command
6.3.13 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbmergechunk command
6.3.14 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbchgchunkcomment command
6.3.15 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbchgchunkstatus command
6.3.16 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbarchivechunk command
6.3.17 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbunarchivechunk command
6.3.18 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbreorgsystemdata command
6.3.19 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbclientdefmang command
6.3.20 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbsyndict command
6.3.21 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbaudittrail command
6.3.22 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbconvertaudittrailfile command
6.4 Files that increase continuously over time when using the HADB server
6.10 Estimating the size of files required for the updated-row columnizing facility
6.11 Estimating the size of access path search information log files
6.12 Estimating the size of the system log files
6.14 Estimating the size of the synonym dictionary file directory
6.16 Estimating the size of the output-directory for common format audit trails
6.17 Estimating the size of the multi-node synonym dictionary storage directory
6.18 Estimating the size of a file output by the adbexport command
6.19 Estimating the size of files required to reorganize a base table
6.21 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing a command
6.21.1 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbimport command
6.21.2 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbidxrebuild command
6.21.3 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbmergechunk command
6.21.4 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbunarchivechunk command
6.21.5 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbreorgsystemdata command
6.21.6 Estimating the size of the temporary work file for executing the adbsyndict command
6.22 Estimating the increase in the amount of data that occurs during command execution
6.23 Points to consider when executing commands concurrently
6.23.1 Maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently
6.23.3 Points to consider about locking during concurrent command execution
6.23.4 Points to consider about memory requirements during concurrent command execution
6.23.5 Points to consider about the size of the system log files during concurrent command execution
6.24 Points to consider when using the client-group facility
7. Designing the Server Definition
Part 4: Setup
8.7 Downgrading the HADB server version (restoring the previous version)
8.9.1 Steps to take before upgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)
8.9.2 Upgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)
8.9.3 Steps to take after upgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)
8.9.4 Downgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)
8.9.5 Steps to take after downgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)
8.11 Changing the host name or IP address of the server machine's OS
Part 5: Operation
10.2 Starting and terminating the HADB server and its operation modes
10.5 Monitoring the resource usage (list of messages to be monitored)
10.8 Checking the transaction processing status
10.8.1 Checking the application or command processing status
10.8.2 Checking whether the process of allocating processing real threads has gone into wait status
10.8.3 Checking whether the process of reserving locked resources has gone into wait status
10.8.4 Checking the status when the transaction has been rolled back
10.9 Checking the database status and usage
10.10 Performing statistical analysis (checking HADB server operation information)
10.11.3 Examples of output of and output items for access path statistical information
10.11.4 Examples of output of SQL trace information and how to interpret the information
10.11.6 Operation when SQL trace information is set to be output
10.11.7 Using SQL trace information to determine the cause of errors in SQL statements
10.11.9 Corrective action to take if SQL trace information was not output due to an error
11.4 Performing operations on multi-chunk tables
11.4.2 Storing data in a multi-chunk table (background import)
11.4.3 Notes on retrieving and updating data in an archivable multi-chunk table
11.4.7 Deleting data stored in a multi-chunk table in a batch
11.4.8 Checking the chunk status and the number of chunks created
11.4.13 Checking whether a multi-chunk table needs to be reorganized
11.4.14 Reorganizing a multi-chunk table: Chunk-based reorganization
11.4.15 Reorganizing a multi-chunk table: Reorganization of an entire table
11.4.16 Reorganizing a multi-chunk table: Reorganization using a sample shell script
11.4.17 Archiving chunks (when using an archivable multi-chunk table)
11.4.18 Unarchiving chunks (when using an archivable multi-chunk table)
11.4.20 Changing a regular multi-chunk table to an archivable multi-chunk table
11.4.21 Changing an archivable multi-chunk table to a regular multi-chunk table
11.4.25 Operation taking archive of chunks into consideration
11.7 Managing user privileges and the schema operation privilege
11.14 Operating centralized management of client definitions
11.14.1 Flow of using the function for centrally managing client definitions
11.14.2 Files required for the function for centrally managing client definitions
11.14.3 Newly using the function for centrally managing client definitions
11.14.5 Example of using the function for centrally managing client definitions
11.14.6 Stopping the use of the function for centrally managing client definitions
11.16 Performing synonym search operations
11.16.3 Checking the synonyms registered in a synonym dictionary
11.16.10 Changing a synonym dictionary to support correction search
11.16.12 Checking the free space required for the directory for storing synonym dictionary files
11.16.13 Changing the directory for storing synonym dictionary files
11.16.14 Rebuilding a synonym list definition file (when a synonym list definition file is lost)
11.16.15 Specification rules for a synonym list definition file
12. Audit Trail Facility Operations
12.1 Matters to consider when using the audit trail facility
12.3 Scheduled operations for audit trail facility
12.3.1 Moving audit trail files (to audit trail storage directory)
12.3.2 Moving audit trail files (to audit trail long-term storage directory)
12.3.3 Referencing audit trails (when using SELECT statements to reference audit trails)
12.3.4 Referencing audit trails (when referencing audit trail data converted to CSV format)
12.8 Linkage between the audit trail facility and JP1/Audit Management - Manager
12.8.1 Overview of linkage between the audit trail facility and JP1/Audit
12.8.2 Format and output items of common format audit trail files
12.8.3 Environment settings for linking the audit trail facility with JP1/Audit
12.8.4 Operation methods available with linkage between the audit trail facility and JP1/Audit
12.9 Audit target events and column structure of table function derived tables
13.2 Tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by re-examining the buffers
13.5 Tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by re-examining the hash table area size
13.6 Tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by re-examining the hash group area size
13.8 Tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by re-examining the hash filter area size
13.9 Tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by re-examining the table-definition pool size
Part 6: Multi-Node Function
16. Operations When Using the Multi-Node Function
16.2 System configuration example that uses the multi-node function
16.4 Starting and terminating HADB servers in the multi-node configuration
16.5 Application operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.6 Locking operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.8 Backing up a database (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.9 Status monitoring (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.10 DB area operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11 Schema, table, and index operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.1 Schema operation (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.2 Base table operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.3 Viewed table operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.4 Index operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.5 Working with multi-chunk tables (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.11.6 Operating archivable multi-chunk tables (when the multi-node function is used)
16.11.7 Reorganizing system tables (when the multi-node function is used)
16.12 System log operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.13 Statistical information operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16 Troubleshooting (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.2 Application-related problems (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.3 Command related problems (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.4 Problems related to DB areas (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.5 Problems related to files in the DB directory (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.9 OS-related problems (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.10 Hardware-related problems (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.11 Problems related to HA Monitor (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.16.13 Problems related to synonym dictionary files (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.19 Migrating to a system that uses the multi-node function
16.20 Upgrading the HADB server version (when the multi-node function is used)
16.21 Swapping the HADB server with its revised version (when the multi-node function is used)
16.22 Notes about using SQL tracing (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.23 Handling of data retrieval from CSV files (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.24 Performing synonym search operations (when using the multi-node function)
16.25 Audit trail facility operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
16.26 Updated-row columnizing facility operations (when the multi-node function is being used)
Part 7: Cold Standby Configuration
17. Operations When Using the Cold Standby Configuration
17.2 Example of system configuration using the cold standby configuration
17.4 Starting and terminating the cold standby configuration
17.5 Application operations (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.6 Backing up a database (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.7 Status monitoring (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.8 DB area operations (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.9 Table and index operations (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.10 DB directory operations (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.11 Statistical information operations (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.14 Troubleshooting (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.16 Upgrading the HADB server version (in the case of the cold standby configuration)
17.18 Operation when performing synonym searches in a cold standby configuration
17.19 Operation when using the audit trail facility in a cold standby configuration
17.20 Operation when using the updated-row columnizing facility in a cold standby configuration