
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

6.23.1 Maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently

For the commands listed in 6.23 Points to consider when executing commands concurrently, the maximum number of concurrent executions is determined by the value specified for the adb_sys_max_users operand in the server definition and the number of applications programs that are connected to the HADB server. Use the following formula to determine the maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently.

Maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently = MAX_USERS - AP_CNCT_NUM

Explanation of the variables


Maximum number of concurrent connections specified in the adb_sys_max_users operand in the server definition

For details, see the explanation of the adb_sys_max_users operand in 7.2.1 Operands related to system configuration (set format).


Number of application programs currently connected to the HADB server

You can use the adbls -d cnct command to check the number of application programs currently connected to the HADB server. For details about the adbls -d cnct command, see adbls -d cnct (Display the Connection Status) in the manual HADB Command Reference.

No more than the maximum number of commands determined by the above formula can be executed concurrently. If the maximum number of concurrent executions is exceeded, an error occurs (the KFAA30932-E message is output).

Note that there is no upper limit on the maximum number of concurrent executions of the adbstat command.