6.23 Points to consider when executing commands concurrently
This subsection explains points to consider when you execute any of the following commands concurrently:
adbarchivechunk command
adbchgchunkcomment command
adbchgchunkstatus command
adbdbstatus command
adbexport command
adbgetcst command
adbidxrebuild command
adbimport command
adbmergechunk command
adbmodbuff command
adbreorgsystemdata command
adbsql command
adbstat command
adbsyndict command
adbunarchivechunk command
When you execute these commands concurrently, you must also take into consideration the application programs that are running at the same time.
- Organization of this section
6.23.1 Maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently
6.23.3 Points to consider about locking during concurrent command execution
6.23.4 Points to consider about memory requirements during concurrent command execution
6.23.5 Points to consider about the size of the system log files during concurrent command execution