actcommand operand
acttype operand
adbarchivechunk command
adbaudittrail command
adbchgchunkcomment command
adbchgchunkstatus command
adbclientmang operand
adbdbstatus command
adbexport command
adbgetcst command
adbidxrebuild command
adbimport command
adbmergechunk command
adbmodarea command
adbmodbuff command
adbreorgsystemdata command
determining whether shortage has occurred in disk space for storing unload files
relationship between adbreorgsystemdata command and lock control
steps to take when there is insufficient free disk space to store unload files
when disk space for storing temporary work files during command execution is too small
adbsql command
adbstat command
adbsyndict command
adbunarchivechunk command
adding, deleting, and expanding data DB areas (cold standby configuration)
address operand
allocating unused area (PCTFREE)
allocating unused area in index page (PCTFREE)
ALTER TABLE statement
ALTER VIEW statement
audit target definition
audit target event
audit target events and column structure of table function derived tables
authorization identifier information (SQL trace information)
centralized management
changing host name
changing IP address
character encoding
checking index option
checking information about all chunks in table based on table name
checking libraries (tasks that must be performed before installation)
checking page size of work table DB area specified when adbinit command was executed
checking status and amount of use of system tables (base tables)
checking text index (checking index option that was specified)
checking transaction processing status
checking user commands (tasks that must be performed before installation)
checking user privileges and schema operation privilege granted to HADB user
checking user privileges and schema operation privilege that HADB user has
checking whether data before reorganization remains (system tables)
checking whether process of allocating processing real threads has gone into wait status
checking whether process of reserving locked resources has entered wait status
checking whether reorganization is necessary
checking whether startup process has been completed (HADB server)
checking whether termination process has been completed (HADB server)
checking whether unique index violates uniqueness constraint
checking whether uniqueness constraint violation has occurred
chunk ID
chunk in wait status
client definition file
client definition file (function for centrally managing client definitions)
client definition file used by function for centrally managing client definitions
client directory
guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads that can be used
output of warning messages regarding maximum number of concurrent connections
points to consider about specifying number of connections for group
points to consider about specifying number of processing real threads for group
setting numbers of connections and processing real threads for each group
cold standby configuration
column name
column structure of table function derived tables when retrieving audit trails
command execution, points to consider about number of processing real threads to be used during
complete-match retrieval
concurrent connections, maximum number of (multi-node function)
corrective action to take when adbidxrebuild command cannot be re-executed
corrective action to take when adbimport command cannot be re-executed
corrective action to take when the adbidxrebuild command cannot be re-executed
corrective action to take when the adbimport command cannot be re-executed
cost information
creating directories for storing communication-information files
creating environment variable definitions for commands (cold standby configuration)
creating environment variable definitions for commands (multi-node function)
creating server startup command (cold standby configuration)
creating server termination command (cold standby configuration)
creating server-monitoring command (cold standby configuration)
data export
data import
DB area files
DB area ID
DELETE statement
delimiting character
determining global buffer page requirements (for starting HADB server)
determining memory requirement for executing adbarchivechunk command
determining memory requirement for executing adbclientdefmang command
determining memory requirement for executing adbconvertaudittrailfile command
determining memory requirement for executing adbexport command
determining memory requirement for executing adbimport command
determining memory requirement for executing adbstat command
determining memory requirement for executing adbsyndict command
determining memory requirement for executing adbunarchivechunk command
determining memory requirements for adbaudittrail command execution
determining memory requirements for adbchgchunkcomment command execution
determining memory requirements for adbchgchunkstatus command execution
determining memory requirements for adbreorgsystemdata command execution
determining number of basic row pages required to store work tables
determining number of storage pages for each B-tree index segment
determining number of storage pages for each text index segment
determining number of storage pages used in lower page segment
determining number of storage pages used in position control segment
determining number of storage pages used in string control segment
determining number of storage pages used in upper page segment
determining size of shared memory management area (for starting HADB server)
determining size of user logs that are output during database updates (variable max_user_log)
determining whether shortage has occurred in disk space for storing unload files
dictionary table, searching
checking names of columns comprising primary key and foreign key
finding out archive directory for archivable multi-chunk table
finding out name of archive range column in archivable multi-chunk table
finding out range indexes defined for archive range column in archivable multi-chunk table
investigating whether range indexes are defined in column specified as archive range column
when determining index name of index that corresponds to primary key
when identifying all index names defined in table from table name
when identifying maximum number of chunks to be created in all multi-chunk tables
when identifying name of column for which index is defined from index ID
when identifying name of table for which index is defined from index ID
when identifying viewed table names of all viewed tables that use tables from table names
directory for storing synonym dictionary files
disk design
disk operand
dmmp_device operand
estimating increase in amount of data that occurs when adbmergechunk command is executed
estimating number of dedicated global buffer pages (range index)
estimating number of pages in global buffer for global work tables
estimating number of processing real threads used for concurrent command execution
estimating size of files required for updated-row columnizing facility
estimating size of temporary work file for executing adbreorgsystemdata command
estimation formula
estimating size of output-directory for common format audit trails
estimating size of temporary work file for executing adbidxrebuild command
estimating size of temporary work file for executing adbmergechunk command
estimating size of temporary work file for executing adbreorgsystemdata command
estimating size of temporary work file for executing adbunarchivechunk command
memory requirement for executing adbconvertaudittrailfile command
memory requirements during execution of adbunarchivechunk command
memory requirements for adbchgchunkcomment command execution
memory requirements for adbreorgsystemdata command execution
size of temporary work file for executing adbsyndict command
examples of output of and output items for access path statistical information
explanation of specification format of client-managing definition
fence_lan operand
fence_reset operand
fence_scsi operand
files required for function for centrally managing client definitions
files required for using function for centrally managing client definitions
files that increase continuously over time when using HADB server
finding out archive directory for archivable multi-chunk table
finding out name of archive range column in archivable multi-chunk table
finding out range indexes defined for archive range column in archivable multi-chunk table
flow of using function for centrally managing client definitions
fs_mount_dir operand
fs_mount_opt operand
fs_name operand
fs_neck operand
granting user privileges and schema operation privilege to HADB users
guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections (client-group facility)
guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads (client-group facility)
guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads that can be used (client-group facility)
HA Monitor (cold standby configuration)
HA Monitor (multi-node function)
HADB user management
host reset
identifying index names of all defined indexes from schema names
identifying table names of all defined tables from schema names
identifying whether a table is an archivable multi-chunk table
if message KFAA41205-E is output
increase in data
index ID
index name
index names
index page split
initial operand
INSERT statement
task that must be performed before (modifying syslog access privilege)
task that must be performed before (setting up HADB administrator)
task that must be performed before (setting up HADB administrators group)
task that must be performed before (setting up OS user who belongs to HADB administrators group)
investigating whether range indexes are defined in column specified as archive range column
ip_neck operand
KFAA30930-E message, output during execution of SQL statement or command
KFAA40005-E message, output
KFAA40007-E message, output
lan_updown operand
leading-match search
linkage between audit trail facility and JP1/Audit
linkage with JP1/Audit Management - Manager
list of indexes
lock control
lock mode
maximum and minimum values
maximum number of commands that can be executed concurrently
maximum number of concurrent connections (client-group facility)
maximum number of processing real threads (client-group facility)
maximum number of processing real threads that can be used (client-group facility)
maximum number of processing real threads that can be used during command execution
memory requirement
memory shortage
memory usage
message log
message log file
monbegin_restart operand
moving audit trail files (to audit trail long-term storage directory)
multi-node synonym dictionary storage directory
multistandby operand
name operand
normal termination
notation-correction specification
notes on retrieving and updating data in archivable multi-chunk table
null-value exclusion specification, setting up (EXCLUDE NULL VALUES)
number of pages for storing
number of work tables created during retrieval using hash tables
patrolcommand operand
performing statistical analysis
planned hot standby
points to consider
points to consider about locking (during concurrent command execution)
points to consider about locking during concurrent command execution
points to consider about memory requirements (during concurrent command execution)
points to consider about memory requirements during concurrent command execution
points to consider about specifying number of connections for group
points to consider about specifying number of processing real threads for group
points to consider about system log file size (during concurrent command execution)
points to consider about system log file size during concurrent command execution
points to consider when determining page size (data DB areas)
points to consider when determining page size in data DB areas
points to consider when specifying --purge-chunk option of adbmergechunk command
preventing decrease in the performance of retrieval using B-tree indexes
preventing SQL statement execution wait status from occurring (tuning)
prevention of decreases in performance of retrieval processing when range indexes are used
processing real threads
re-evaluating trigger size for reducing user log files (tuning)
re-examining buffer, tuning to shorten SQL statement execution time by
re-examining values specified in server definition and command options (tasks to perform after version upgrade)
rebuilding indexes
recovering database from backup (cold standby configuration)
reducing amount of space used by data DB areas
reducing execution time of SQL statement that creates local work table (tuning)
reducing execution time of SQL statement that performs table scan (tuning)
reducing memory usage by re-evaluating buffers for local work tables (tuning)
referencing audit trails
referential constraint
relationship between merge-source chunk deletion and retrieval and update processing
relationship of chunk statuses with SQL statements and commands that can be executed
releasing base table from non-updatable status (cold standby configuration)
releasing base table from non-updatable status (multi-node function)
releasing index from unfinished status (cold standby configuration)
releasing index from unfinished status (multi-node function)
reorganizing multi-chunk table
retrieval performance
retrieving system tables
returning node
revoking user privileges and schema operation privileges granted to HADB users
scope of information in dictionary tables and system tables that can be referenced by HADB users
scope of information in dictionary tables that can be referenced by HADB users
scope of information in system tables that can be referenced by HADB users
SCSI reservation for shared disk
scsi_device operand
search for duplicate key values (releasing uniqueness constraint violation)
checking page size of work table DB area specified when adbinit command was executed
checking user privileges and schema operation privilege that HADB user has
identifying index names of all defined indexes from schema names
identifying table names of all defined tables from schema names
identifying whether a table is an archivable multi-chunk table
securing free space in data DB area (deleting unnecessary data)
securing free space in data DB area (reorganizing base table)
SELECT statement
server configuration and prerequisite software programs
server definition
server definition description format
server definition operands
servers file, specification example (cold standby configuration), [2]
servers file, specification example (multi-node function), [2], [3]
servexec_retry operand
setting environment variables (cold standby configuration)
setting environment variables (multi-node function)
setting numbers of connections and processing real threads for each group
shared disk data protection method
shared memory management area requirement
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining hash group area size (tuning)
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining hash table area size (tuning)
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining size of hash filter area (tuning)
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining table-definition pool size (tuning)
size of temporary work file for executing adbsyndict command
specification of text index for a word-context search (TEXT WORDCONTEXT)
specifying server definition entries for audit trail facility
SQL statement
SQL statement statistical information (SQL trace information)
SQL trace file
SQL trace information
standbypri operand
statistical information operation (cold standby configuration)
statistics log file
step to take when commands cannot be re-executed
steps to take if free space in archive directory is insufficient
steps to take when application does not terminate or terminates abnormally
steps to take when command cannot be re-executed
steps to take when connection from application program to HADB server takes time
steps to take when disk containing audit trail directory fails
steps to take when disk containing audit trail directory is full
steps to take when number of chunks cannot be changed (KFAA51246-E message)
steps to take when there is insufficient free disk space to store unload files
steps to take when unfinished status is applied (B-tree index)
steps to take when unfinished status is applied (range index)
steps to take when unfinished status is applied (text index)
suppressing index page splitting
swapping HADB server with its revised version
swapping of current chunk resulting from chunk status change
sysdef file, specification example (cold standby configuration), [2]
sysdef file, specification example (multi-node function), [2]
sysdef file, specifying settings in (cold standby configuration)
system configuration example
system table reorganization
system table, searching
table name
table normalization
tasks that must be performed following uninstallation (HADB server)
temporary increase in amount of index data associated with chunk merging
temporary work file
temporary work file for executing adbimport command
temporary work file for executing command, estimating size of
temporary work files
termcmd_at_abort operand
termcommand operand
transaction processing status
transaction's status
preventing SQL statement execution wait status from occurring
reducing execution time of SQL statement that creates global work table
reducing execution time of SQL statement that creates local work table
reducing execution time of SQL statement that performs table scan
reducing memory usage by re-evaluating buffers for local work tables
reducing usage of shared memory to which HugePages is applied
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining hash group area size
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining hash table area size
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining size of hash filter area
shortening SQL statement execution time by re-examining table-definition pool size
unfinished status
unfinished status of index
uniqueness constraint violation
unload files
uoc_neck operand
UPDATE statement
user privileges
using buffers
using statistical analysis
usrcommand operand
waitserv_exec operand
when identifying maximum number of chunks to be created in multi-chunk tables
when KFAA50244-E message is output
when KFAA50247-E message is output
when KFAA51246-E message is output