
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

10.8.2 Checking whether the process of allocating processing real threads has gone into wait status

This subsection described how to check whether the process of allocating processing real threads has gone into wait status after execution of an application or command.

To check the transaction processing status:

  1. Execute the adbls -d cnct command.

    Check the item STATUS. If THREAD_WAITING is displayed, the process of allocating processing real threads has gone into wait status.

    If you cannot wait for other applications or commands that are using processing real threads to terminate, proceed to step 2.

  2. Execute the adbcancel command.

    Execute the adbcancel command to forcibly terminate other applications and commands that are using processing real threads.

To prevent the process of allocating processing real threads from going into wait status when you execute an application or command, see 6.23.2 Points to consider about the number of processing real threads to be used during command execution.

For details about the adbls -d cnct and adbcancel commands, see the manual HADB Command Reference.