
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

17.4.1 How to start the cold standby configuration

Organization of this subsection

(1) Procedure for starting the cold standby configuration

The following procedure explains how to start the cold standby configuration.


  1. Confirm that HA Monitor is running in the active system and in the standby system.

    For the confirmation method, see System Operation in the manual HA Monitor for Linux(R) (x86).

  2. Execute HA Monitor's monbegin command in the active system and the standby system.


    When HA Monitor's monbegin command is executed, the adbstart command is executed automatically in the active system as part of the monbegin command's processing.

(2) Startup modes for the cold standby configuration

The following table lists and describes the startup modes supported for the cold standby configuration.

Table 17‒4: Startup modes for the cold standby configuration


Startup mode

Command to be executed


Previous termination mode


Normal start


This is the normal startup mode.

In a normal start, database recovery processing does not take place.

The cold standby configuration terminated normally.



If the previous termination mode is as described on the right, the server will automatically restart.

During the restart, the HADB server in the active system uses the system log to perform database recovery processing.

The cold standby configuration terminated abnormally or forcibly.

(3) Checking for completion of cold standby configuration startup processing

Check the following items: