
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

8.8 Swapping the HADB server with its revised version

This section describes how to swap the HADB server with its revised version.

If the following condition is met, you need to swap the HADB server with its revised version rather than upgrading the HADB server version.

The following describes example cases in which swapping of the HADB server with its revised version is needed, and example cases in which such swapping is not used.

▪ Cases in which swapping of the HADB server with its revised version is needed

In the following cases, for example, swapping of the HADB server with its revised version is needed because the version number and revision number are the same.

03-02 -> 03-02-/A

03-02-/B -> 03-02-/D

▪ Cases in which swapping of the HADB server with its revised version is not used

In the following cases, for example, swapping of the HADB server with its revised version is not used because the version number or revision number is different.

03-02 -> 03-03-/A

03-02-/B -> 03-03-/D

In such cases, you need to upgrade the HADB server version. For details about how to upgrade the HADB server version, see 8.6 Upgrading the HADB server version.

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