
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

2.12.3 Setting the numbers of connections and processing real threads for each group

The client-group facility enables you to set for each group a maximum number of connections and a maximum number of processing real threads that are to be made available to HADB clients and commands. You can also set minimum numbers for each group.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the number of connections for each group

The client-group facility supports the following connection limitations:

The following figure provides an overview of the maximum number of concurrent connections and the guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections supported by the client-group facility.

Figure 2‒37: Overview of the maximum number of concurrent connections and the guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections supported by the client-group facility



The target group can always use up to the set guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections. For example, 15 concurrent connections (guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections) will always be available to client group 1.

The maximum number of concurrent connections to the HADB server (50) minus the sum of the guaranteed minimum numbers of concurrent connections set for all groups (30) is the freely usable number of connections (20).

All HADB clients and commands can establish connections within the scope of the freely usable number of connections. Whether they belong to a group is irrelevant.

If an HADB client or command belongs to a group and there are freely usable connections (20), the maximum number of concurrent connections set for that group is available to that HADB client or command. For example, 15 connections are available for client group 1 in addition to the guaranteed minimum number of concurrent connections (15), because this group's maximum number of concurrent connections is 30.

If the freely usable number of connections (20) are all unused, a maximum of 20 connections are available to the HADB clients and commands that belong to no group.


You can enable a setting at the group level that outputs a warning message KFAA40020-W when the number of connections to the HADB server approaches the maximum number of concurrent connections.

(2) Setting the number of processing real threads for each group

The client-group facility supports the following types of processing real thread counts.

The following figure provides an overview of the maximum number of processing real threads and the guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads supported by the client-group facility.

Figure 2‒38: Overview of the maximum number of processing real threads and the guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads supported by the client-group facility



The guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads will always be available to the target group. For example, up to the guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads (25) are always available to client group 1.

The number of processing real threads on the HADB server (100) minus the sum of the guaranteed minimum numbers of processing real threads set for all groups (50) is the freely usable number of processing real threads (50).

All HADB clients and commands can use processing real threads within the freely usable number of processing real threads, regardless of whether HADB clients and commands belong to a group.

If an HADB client or command belongs to a group and there are freely usable processing real threads (50), the maximum number of processing real threads set for that group are available to that HADB client or command. For example, for client group 1, 15 processing real threads are available in addition to the guaranteed minimum number of processing real threads (25) because this group's maximum number of processing real threads is 40.

If the freely usable number of processing real threads (50) are all unused, a maximum of 50 processing real threads are available to the HADB clients and commands that belong to no group.