
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

6.3.20 Determining the memory requirement for executing the adbsyndict command

When the adbsyndict command is executed, the HADB server uses the following types of memory. Determine the requirement for each type of memory.

▪ Shared memory
  • Process common memory (PROC_SYNDICTSZ)

  • Real thread private memory (RTHD_SYNDICTSZ)

The following subsections describe the formulas for determining the required amounts of these types of memory.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Determining the process common memory requirement (for executing the adbsyndict command)

Use the following formula to determine the process common memory (PROC_SYNDICTSZ) required for executing the adbsyndict command.

Formula (kilobytes)



Add this value when the audit trail facility is enabled.

Explanation of variables


Memory for managing synonym dictionary information

Substitute the following value.

Value (kilobytes)



Determine the value of the variable PROC_AUDINFSZ according to (r) Determining the variable AUDINF in (3) Determining the process common memory requirement (for starting the HADB server) under 6.3.3 Determining the memory requirement for starting the HADB server.

(2) Determining the real thread private memory requirement (for executing the adbsyndict command)

Use the following formula to determine the amount of real thread private memory (RTHD_SYNDICTSZ) required to execute the adbsyndict command.

Formula (kilobytes)


Explanation of variables


Number of synonym groups


Memory for manipulating synonym dictionary information

Substitute the following value.

Value (kilobytes)
