11.18.2 Preparation tasks
This subsection explains the preparation tasks required for using the updated-row columnizing facility.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Checking the column store tables to which the facility is applied
The updated-row columnizing facility is not applied to column store tables for which B-tree indexes are defined. Before you enable the updated-row columnizing facility, see (38) Checking the tables subject to the updated-row columnizing facility (checking the column store tables for which no B-tree indexes are defined) in B.22 Searching a dictionary table to check the column store tables to which the updated-row columnizing facility is applied.
In situations where the INSERT or UPDATE statement might be executed for column store tables to which the updated-row columnizing facility is applied, use the updated-row columnizing facility.
(2) Estimating the memory requirements for the HADB server
If you use the updated-row columnizing facility, re-estimate the memory requirements for the HADB server by referring to the following subsections:
(3) Determining the process common memory requirement (for starting the HADB server) in 6.3.3 Determining the memory requirement for starting the HADB server.
(2) Determining the real thread private memory requirement (during normal operation) in 6.3.4 Determining the memory requirement during normal operation.
(3) Adding messages to be monitored
You can use the following messages to check whether maintenance processing has stopped for any reason. Add the following messages to the monitoring targets:
This message is output if the system fails in the processing that starts I/O control of files used by the updated-row columnizing facility.
This message is output if the maintenance processing has not been performed for 24 hours.
This message is output if an error occurs during the maintenance processing.
- ■ Message output example
When error messages related to the updated-row columnizing facility are output to a message log file, the following messages are output in pairs: a message indicating the cause of the error and a message indicating that an error occurred in the updated-row columnizing facility.
- Example:
2019/06/24 15:13:28 ... 00000000009999000001 KFAA40007-E message-text ...1 2019/06/24 15:13:28 ... 00000000009999000001 KFAA51280-W message-text ...2
This message indicates the cause of the error. This message indicates that memory shortage occurred. Take measures as shown in this message.
This message indicates that an error occurred in the maintenance processing.
In the preceding example, 9999000001 (underscored portions) is output as a connection sequence number for messages related to the updated-row columnizing facility.
(4) Enabling the updated-row columnizing facility
To enable the updated-row columnizing facility, execute the adbcolumnize command. If the updated-row columnizing facility is enabled, the maintenance processing is performed.
- Command execution example
adbcolumnize --start
Confirm that the updated-row columnizing facility is enabled as explained in 11.18.3 How to check the status of the updated-row columnizing facility (whether the facility is enabled or disabled).
- Note
The status of the updated-row columnizing facility (whether the facility is enabled or disabled) is maintained even when the HADB server is restarted.
The status of the updated-row columnizing facility (whether the facility is enabled or disabled) is also maintained when a master node switchover is performed by using the multi-node function or when a host switchover occurs in a cold standby configuration.