
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

10.4.1 Message output destinations

The HADB server outputs messages to the standard output, standard error output, server message log files, and syslog. The output destination is determined based on the message type. This subsection describes the message output destinations and explains the types of messages that are output each one.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Standard output

Information messages and response messages are output to the console's standard output.

(2) Standard error output

Error messages and warning messages are output to the console's standard error output.

(3) Server message log file

Messages output by the HADB server are stored in message logs using files created under the server directory. These files are called server message log files.

All HADB server messages are output here.

Four server message log files are created in the HADB server. You can use the environment variable ADBMSGLOGSIZE to specify the maximum size of the server message log files that are created.

Note that the server message log files do not store messages that are output by HADB clients.

■ Client message log file

Messages output by an HADB client are stored in message logs using files created under the client directory. These files are called client message log files.

Four client message log files are created in an HADB client. You can use the environment variable ADBMSGLOGSIZE to specify the maximum size of the client message log files that will be created.

(4) syslog

Messages are also output to syslog. You can use the HADB server's environment variable ADBSYSLOGLV to specify the types of messages to be output to syslog.