6.12.5 Determining the size of the user logs that are output during execution of the adbidxrebuild command (variable max_user_log)
Use the following formula to determine the size of the user logs that are output during execution of the adbidxrebuild command.
Formula (bytes)
Explanation of variables
Index data deletion log for the table for which indexes are to be rebuilt
Row data deletion log when background import is performed on the target table
Index data creation log for the table for which indexes are to be rebuilt
- #
Obtain the TBLPRGLOG variable if you execute the adbidxrebuild command with the --force option specified after the adbimport command with the -b option has been interrupted.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Determining the variable IDXPRGLOG
Use the following formula to determine the value of variable IDXPRGLOG.
Formula (bytes)
Explanation of variables
- idx_num
Number of indexes to be rebuilt
- dbarea_file_num(i)
Number of DB area files in data DB area that stores the indexes
- SGIDX(i)
Number of segments that store indexes
- SEGBF(i)
Number of segment block factors in the data DB area that stores indexes
- page_size(i)
Page size of the data DB area that stores indexes (bytes)
- usrlog_file_num
Use the following formula to determine its value.
For details about the number of segments in a data DB area and the segment block factors, see (2) Explanation of variables in 5.8.1 Determining the total number of pages in the data DB area.
For details about the number of user log files required during execution of the adbidxrebuild command, see (2) Commands for which the number of user log files needs to be estimated in 6.12.15 Determining the number of user log files.
(2) Determining the variable TBLPRGLOG
Use the following formula to determine the value of variable TBLPRGLOG.
Formula (bytes)
Explanation of variables
- dbarea_file_num
Number of DB area files in data DB area that stores the table
Number of table segments to be allocated for background import
Estimate the number of table segments to be allocated for background import based on the amount of data that is stored during background import.
Number of segment block factors in the data DB area that stores the table
- page_size
Page size of the data DB area used to store the table (bytes)
- usrlog_file_num
Use the following formula to determine its value.
For details about the number of segments in a data DB area and the segment block factors, see (2) Explanation of variables in 5.8.1 Determining the total number of pages in the data DB area.
For details about the number of user log files required during execution of the adbidxrebuild command, see (2) Commands for which the number of user log files needs to be estimated in 6.12.15 Determining the number of user log files.
(3) Determining the variable IDXMAKELOG
Use the following formula to determine the value of variable IDXMAKELOG.
Formula (bytes)
Explanation of variables
- n
Number of indexes to be rebuilt
Log size of i-th index to be rebuilt
Use the following formula to determine its value.
Formula (bytes)
- page_size(i)
Page size of the data DB area that stores the i-th index to be rebuilt (bytes)
- rbld_dividx_rthd
Use the following formula to determine the value:
↓(value-specified-for-index-rebuild-option-adb_idxrebuild_rthd_num - 1) ÷ 2↓
If the index rebuild option adb_idxrebuild_rthd_num is omitted, substitute the number of threads used when the index rebuild option adb_idxrebuild_rthd_num is omitted. For details, see adbidxrebuild (Rebuild Indexes) in the manual HADB Command Reference.
Number of pages in the management area for the i-th index to be rebuilt
Use the following formula to determine its value.
- dbarea_file_num(i)
Number of DB area files in data DB area that stores the indexes
- SGIDX(i)
Maximum number of segments that store indexes to be allocated to each chunk during index rebuild processing
Use the following formula to determine its value.
Number of chunks created by the index to be rebuilt
Number of segments that store indexes to be allocated to each chunk of the index to be rebuilt
- SEGBF(i)
Number of segment block factors in the data DB area that stores indexes
For details about the number of segments in a data DB area and the segment block factors, see (2) Explanation of variables in 5.8.1 Determining the total number of pages in the data DB area.