
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide


This manual describes how to design, set up, and operate Hitachi Advanced Database systems.

Note that, in this manual, and in the information output by the product (messages, command output results, and so on), HADB is often used in place of Hitachi Advanced Database.

Organization of this preface

■ Intended readers

This manual is intended for:

Readers of this manual must have:

■ Organization of this manual

This manual is organized into the following parts, chapters, and appendixes:

PART 1: Description
1. Overview

This chapter provides an overview of HADB, describes its features, and explains system configurations.

2. Architecture

This chapter provides an explanation about the logical structure of an HADB database, and an overview of DB areas, users, and schemas, as well as descriptions of the following items: the user authorization function, privileges, the database access processing method, transaction control, lock control, database recovery, the client-group facility, function for centrally managing client definitions, the background-import facility, the chunk archiving function, data retrieval from CSV files, text data retrieval, the audit trail facility, the multi-node function, and the memory structure of the HADB server.

PART 2: Exercise
3. Guide for Building a Hands-on Environment

This chapter explains how to build a hands-on environment that will allow users to gain first-hand experience in installing and operating HADB.

PART 3: Design
4. System Design

This chapter provides the workflows for designing the databases, resources, and server definitions necessary to configure HADB. It also explains how to estimate the amounts of disk space and memory that will be required.

5. Designing a Database

This chapter explains how to design tables, indexes and DB areas, as well as how to estimate the sizes of DB areas.

6. Preparing Resources

This chapter explains disk design and how to estimate the kernel parameters, memory requirements, sizes of various files, sizes of various directories, the maximum number of processing real threads used by commands, and the amount of data increase that occurs when a command is executed. This chapter also provides points to consider when you execute commands concurrently and when you use the client-group facility. It also explains estimations related to work tables.

7. Designing the Server Definition

This chapter explains the format in which operands for server definitions are to be specified, the content of those operands, and the grammar rules that apply to server definitions.

PART 4: Setup
8. Building a System

This chapter explains how to install the HADB server, specify kernel parameters and environment variables, create server definitions, upgrade and downgrade the HADB server version, swap the HADB server with its revised version, change the time on the server machine's OS, and uninstall the HADB server.

9. Creating a Database

This chapter explains how to create a database.

PART 5: Operation
10. Scheduled Operations

This chapter explains operations that the HADB administrator performs on a regular basis, such as starting and stopping the HADB server, backing up databases, and monitoring the system.

11. Unscheduled Operations

This chapter explains operations that are performed on the HADB server on an unscheduled basis.

12. Audit Trail Facility Operations

This chapter explains how to use the audit trail facility.

13. Tuning

This chapter explains HADB tuning.

14. Error Handling

This chapter provides the general workflows for handling errors that might occur, and explains how to acquire troubleshooting information and how to delete troubleshooting information.

15. Troubleshooting

This chapter explains how to handle specific problems that might occur.

PART 6: Multi-node Function
16. Operations When Using the Multi-Node Function

This chapter explains how to build and perform operations in a system that uses the multi-node function.

PART 7: Cold Standby Configuration
17. Operations When Using the Cold Standby Configuration

This chapter explains how to build and perform operations in a system that uses the cold standby configuration.

A. HADB Server Directory Configuration

This appendix explains the HADB server directories (for installation and operation) and the configuration of the DB directory.

B. Dictionary Tables

This appendix explains the information stored in dictionary tables, base tables that are locked when dictionary tables are referenced, the indexes defined for dictionary tables, and how to search for information in dictionary tables.

C. System Tables

This appendix explains the information stored in system tables, base tables that are locked when system tables are referenced, the indexes defined for system tables, and how to search for information in system tables.

D. Maximum and Minimum Values in HADB

This appendix provides the maximum and minimum values for system and databases settings.

E. Process That Starts When the HADB Server Starts

This appendix explains the process that is started when the HADB server starts.

■ Related publications

This manual is part of a related set of manuals. The manuals in the set are listed below (with the manual numbers):

In references to Hitachi Advanced Database manuals, this manual uses HADB in place of Hitachi Advanced Database.

Example: HADB Application Development Guide

In references to the HA Monitor manual, this manual uses HA Monitor for Linux(R) (x86) in place of HA Monitor Cluster Software Guide (for Linux(R) (x86) Systems).

Example: HA Monitor for Linux(R) (x86)

In references to the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 manual, this manual uses Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide in place of Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

Example: Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

In references to the JP1/Base manual, this manual uses JP1/Base User's Guide in place of JP1 Version 11 JP1/Base User's Guide.

Example: JP1/Base User's Guide

■ Conventions: Abbreviations for product names

This manual uses the following abbreviations for product names:


Full name or meaning


HADB server

Hitachi Advanced Database

HADB client

Hitachi Advanced Database Client




Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6

Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7

Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 7 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (64-bit x86_64)


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software


Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3


JP1/Audit Management - Manager

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (64-bit x86_64)

Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 7 (64-bit x86_64)

■ Conventions: Acronyms

This manual also uses the following acronyms:


Full name or meaning


Application Parameter Descriptor


Application Programming Interface


Application Row Descriptor


Business Intelligence


Binary Large Object


Backus-Naur Form


Byte Order Mark


Call Level Interface


Character Large Object


Central Processing Unit


Character-Separated Values




Database Management System


Device Mapper Multipath


Domain Name System


Entity Relationship


Host Bus Adapter


Identification number


Integrity Enhancement Facility


Internet Protocol


Implementation Parameter Descriptor


Implementation Row Descriptor


Java Archive File


Java Database Connectivity


Java Developer's Kit


Java Naming and Directory Interface


Java Runtime Environment


Java Transaction API


Large Object


Least Recently Used


Logical Volume


Logical Volume Manager


Microsoft Developer Network


Network File System


Network Interface Card


Network Time Protocol


Open Database Connectivity


Operating System


Program Product


Redundant Array of Independent Disks


Relational Database Management System


Translation Lookaside Buffer


Uniform Resource Locator


Volume Group


World Wide Name

■ Conventions: Fonts and symbols

The following table explains the fonts used in this manual:




Bold type indicates text on a window, other than the window title. Such text includes menus, menu options, buttons, radio box options, or explanatory labels. For example:

  • From the File menu, choose Open.

  • Click the Cancel button.

  • In the Enter name entry box, type your name.


Italics are used to indicate a placeholder for some actual text to be provided by the user or system. For example:

  • Write the command as follows:

    copy source-file target-file

  • The following message appears:

    A file was not found. (file = file-name)

Italics are also used for emphasis. For example:

  • Do not delete the configuration file.

Code font

A code font indicates text that the user enters without change, or text (such as messages) output by the system. For example:

  • At the prompt, enter dir.

  • Use the send command to send mail.

  • The following message is displayed:

    The password is incorrect.

The table below shows the symbols used in this manual for explaining commands and operands, such as the operands used in server definitions.

Note that these symbols are used for explanatory purposes only; do not specify them in the actual operand or command.





In syntax explanations, a vertical bar separates multiple items, and has the meaning of OR.

adb_sql_text_out = {Y|N}

In this example, the vertical bar means that you can specify either Y or N.

[ ]

In syntax explanations, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item or items are optional.

adbsql [-V]

In this example, the square brackets mean that you can specify adbsql, or you can specify adbsql -V.

{ }

In syntax explanations, curly brackets indicate that only one of the enclosed items is to be selected.

adbcancel {--ALL|-u connection-ID}

In this example, the curly brackets mean that you can specify either --ALL or -u connection-ID.


In syntax explanations, an ellipsis (...) indicates that the immediately preceding item can be repeated as many times as necessary.

adbbuff -n DB-area-name[, DB-area-name] ...

In this example, the ellipsis means that you can specify DB-area-name as many times as necessary.

{{ }}

In syntax explanations, double curly brackets indicate that the enclosed items can be repeated as a single unit.

{{adbinitdbarea -n data-DB-area-name}}

In this example, the double curly brackets mean that you can specify adbinitdbarea -n data-DB-area-name as many times as necessary.



In syntax explanations, underlined characters indicate a default value.

adb_import_errmsg_lv = {0|1}

In this example, the underline means that the value 0 is assumed by HADB when the operand is omitted.


A swung dash indicates that the text following it explains the properties of the specified value.

adb_sys_max_users = maximum-number-of-concurrent-connections

~ <integer> ((1 to 1024)) <<10>>

In this example, the text following the swung dash means that you can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 1024. If the operand is not specified, the value 10 is assumed by HADB.

< >

Single angle brackets explain the data type of the specified value.

(( ))

Double parentheses indicate the scope of the specified value.

<< >>

Double angle brackets indicate a default value.

■ Conventions: Path names

■ Conventions: Symbols used in mathematical formulas

The following table explains special symbols used by this manual in mathematical formulas:



↑ ↑

Round up the result to the next integer.

Example: The result of ↑34 ÷ 3↑ is 12.

↓ ↓

Discard digits following the decimal point.

Example: The result of ↓34 ÷ 3↓ is 11.


Select the largest value as the result.

Example: The result of MAX(3 × 6, 4 + 7) is 18.


Select the smallest value as the result.

Example: The result of MIN(3 × 6, 4 + 7) is 11.

■ Conventions: Syntax elements

Syntax element notation


<path name>

The following characters can be used in path names:

  • In Linux

    Alphanumeric characters, hash mark (#), hyphen (-), forward slash (/), at mark (@), and underscore (_)

  • In Windows

    Alphanumeric characters, hash mark (#), hyphen (-), forward slash (/), at mark (@), underscore (_), backslash (\), and colon (:)

Note, however, that the characters that can be used might differ depending on the operating system.

<OS path name>

For an OS path name, all characters that can be used in a path name in the operating system can be used. For details about available characters, see the documentation for the operating system you are using.

<character string>

Any character string can be specified.

<integer suffixed by the unit>

Specify the value in a format consisting of a numeric character (in the range from 0 to 9) followed by a unit (MB (megabyte), GB (gigabyte), or TB (terabyte)). Do not enter a space between the numeric character and the unit.

  • Examples of correct specification




  • Example of specification that causes an error

    512 GB

■ Conventions: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, and EB

This manual uses the following conventions:

■ Conventions: Version numbers

The version numbers of Hitachi program products are usually written as two sets of two digits each, separated by a hyphen. For example:

The version number might be shown on the spine of a manual as Ver. 2.00, but the same version number would be written in the program as 02-00.