
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

15.13.2 Steps to take if free space in the archive directory is insufficient

If the adbarchivechunk command terminated abnormally due to insufficient free space in the archive directory, change the archive directory to another disk having a larger capacity. The following describes the procedure.


  1. Terminate the HADB server normally.

    Execute the adbstop command to terminate the HADB server normally.

  2. Copy the files under the archive directory.

    Execute the OS's cp command to copy all the files under the archive directory to a disk having a larger capacity.

  3. Mount the disk in step 2 to the archive directory.

    Execute the OS's mount command to mount the disk in step 2 to the archive directory.

  4. Start the HADB server normally.

    Execute the adbstart command to start the HADB server normally.