
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

10.6.1 Checking the usage status of all memory

To check the usage status of all memory used by the HADB server, execute the adbstat command on the HADB server. This subsection explains the timing and method for checking the usage status of all memory.

For details about the adbstat command options and individual output items, see adbstat (Perform Statistical Analysis of the HADB Server) in the manual HADB Command Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Timing for checking the usage status of all memory

To determine if the size of all memory being used by the HADB server matches the memory size specified in the server definition, check the usage status of all memory on a regular basis.

(2) Method of checking the usage status of all memory

The adbstat command entered as follows is used to check the usage status of all memory.

■ Command to be executed

In the HADB server statistical information that is output by executing the adbstat command, check the following item:

Check the value of Total_memory_max_size and the value of the adb_sys_memory_limit operand in the server definition. If the adb_sys_memory_limit operand has not been specified in the server definition, check the values of the following operands:

If the value of Total_memory_max_size differs greatly from the operand value in the server definition, the memory size might not be set appropriately. In such a case, change the operand value in the server definition so that it is greater than the value of Total_memory_max_size.