
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

8.5.1 Server definition creation method and storage destination

You specify the execution environment for the HADB server in a server definition.

The following procedure describes how to create a server definition and where to store it.


  1. Copy the server definition template.

    Copy the server definition template file (server.def) stored under the server directory ($ADBDIR/sample/conf/), and store it under the server directory ($ADBDIR/conf).

  2. Edit the copied server definition template file.

    Open the server definition template file (server.def) that you copied to the $ADBDIR/conf directory in step 1 in a text editor, and edit the file.

    For details about the format and contents of the operands specified in the server definition, and the syntax rules for the server definition, see 7. Designing the Server Definition.

  3. Save the server definition by overwriting the existing one.

    When you have finished editing the server definition file ($ADBDIR/conf/server.def), save it by overwriting the existing file. Saving the file as server.def under the $ADBDIR/conf directory allows server definitions to be loaded when the HADB server starts.