
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

10.6.3 Checking the memory usage status for each real thread

To check the memory usage status for each real thread, execute the adbls -d mem command on the HADB server.

For details about the options of the adbls -d mem command and the information that is output, see adbls -d mem (Display the Memory Usage Status) in the manual HADB Command Reference.

■ Timing of checking the memory usage status

Check the memory usage status regularly for each real thread.

■ Checking the memory usage status

To check the memory usage status on the HADB server or for each real thread on the HADB server, execute the following command:

adbls -d mem

Example of the command execution result

THREAD-NO   LIMIT         USE          FREE         MAX
0           1073741824    105840224    162660848    105840224
1           1073741824    901024       267600048    901056
2           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
3           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
4           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
5           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
:               :           :              :          :
  • On a line whose THREAD-NO is 1 or larger, the memory usage status for the corresponding real thread is displayed. On the line whose THREAD-NO is 0, information regarding the process common memory is displayed.

  • The LIMIT column displays the upper limit value of the memory size (in bytes) that can be used by the HADB server.

  • The USE column displays the memory size (in bytes) that is being used by the HADB server.

  • The FREE column displays the available memory size (in bytes).

  • The MAX column displays the maximum value of the memory size (in bytes) that was used by the HADB server.

To check which application or command is using an individual real thread, see 10.7 Checking the threads running on the HADB server.