
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

12.2.1 Normally terminating the HADB server

The HADB server must have terminated normally before you can set up the environment for the audit trail facility.

To terminate the HADB server normally, the HADB administrator executes the adbstop command.

If the HADB server has already terminated, use the following procedure to confirm that it terminated normally.

  1. Execute the adbls -d srv command.

    Confirm that the HADB server status is STOP. This status is output in the output item STATUS.

    If it is STOP, proceed to step 2 or 3.

  2. Check the server message log file.

    Open the server message log file ($ADBDIR/spool/adbmessageXX.log#), and confirm that the termination mode output in the KFAA91154-I message is normally.


    XX is a sequential number between 01 and 04.

  3. Check syslog.

    Open syslog, and confirm that the termination mode output in the KFAA91154-I message is normally.

If the result in step 1 is STOP and the result in step 2 or 3 is normally, the HADB server has terminated normally.

If the HADB server did not terminate normally, use the adbstart command to start it, and then use the adbstop command to terminate it normally.