
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

11.6.1 Creating HADB users

The CREATE USER definition SQL statement is used to create HADB users.

The CREATE USER statement must be executed by an HADB user possessing the DBA privilege and CONNECT privilege.

The following shows an example of creating an HADB user.

Specification example

Create an HADB user with the following authorization identifier (user ID) and password:

  • Authorization identifier: ADBUSER02

  • Password: #HelloHADB_02


For the password to specify when creating an HADB user, we recommend that you use a minimum of eight characters.

For details about the specification rules for authorization identifiers and passwords of HADB users, see 9.4.2 Authorization identifier specification rules and 9.4.3 Password specification rules.


No privileges have been granted to the created HADB user. Grant the necessary user privileges based on the explanation in 11.7.1 Granting user privileges and the schema operation privilege to HADB users.