15.14.1 Steps to take when a failure occurs in a synonym dictionary file
If a failure occurs in a synonym dictionary file, take one of the following corrective actions. First, see Action 1.
Action 1
If a failure occurs in a synonym dictionary file, the following messages are output:
- KFAA30959-E
- KFAA34008-E
In this case, follow the corrective action described in the Action section for the output message. If you cannot correct the problem by taking the corrective action described in the Action section for the message, or if you cannot take that action, take the action in Action 2.
Action 2
Recover the synonym dictionary file by using the backup of the synonym dictionary file. If you do no have a backup of the synonym dictionary file, take the action in Action 3.
Action 3
Re-create the synonym dictionary file in which a failure occurred by using the adbsyndict command. Execute the adbsyndict command by using the saved dictionary creation file as the input information.
If you cannot re-create the synonym dictionary file because, for example, you do not have the dictionary creation file, take the action in Action 4.
Action 4
Restore the database from the latest full backup of the database.
- Note
The synonym dictionary file is stored under the directory specified in the adb_syndict_storage_path operand in the server definition.