
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

16.19.10 Preparing for synonym search operations

Perform the tasks described in this subsection if synonym searches were used in the pre-migration system.

  1. Re-create synonym dictionary files

    If you changed the value specified for the adb_syndict_storage_path operand in the server definition, you need to re-create all synonym dictionary files. For details about how to re-create synonym dictionary files, see 15.14.3 Steps to take if synonym dictionary files or their storage directory is accidentally deleted.

    Note that even if you do not change the value of the adb_syndict_storage_path operand, mounting of the file system (disk) might entail changes to the file system in which the directory that stores synonym dictionary files was created. In this case, copy all synonym dictionary files to a new directory.

  2. Synchronize synonym dictionary files

    Execute the adbsyndict command to synchronize the synonym dictionary files. For details about how to synchronize synonym dictionary files, see 16.24.5 Synchronizing synonym dictionary files.