
Hitachi Advanced Database Setup and Operation Guide

8.9.2 Upgrading the server version (test for checking operational behavior)

Upgrade the version of the HADB server in accordance with the procedure described in 8.6.2 Upgrading the server version. Note that the step Upgrade the database version in 8.6.2 Upgrading the server version must be replaced by the following procedure.

Procedure for upgrading the database version (test for checking operational behavior)

Execute the following HADB command to start the HADB server. Version upgrading starts.

adbstart --quiescence

After execution of the adbstart command, the KFAA91107-Q message is output, asking whether you want to upgrade the database version. Press Y to upgrade the database version.

If the adbstart command terminates normally, upgrading of the HADB server version is complete.

Multi-node function

If you are using the multi-node function, start the HADB servers in the multi-node configuration as explained in 16.4.1 Starting the HADB servers in the multi-node configuration. On the master node, however, execute the following HADB command:

adbstart --quiescence

If you attempt to start the HADB server on the master node, the KFAA91107-Q message asking whether the database version is to be upgraded is displayed. Press Y to upgrade the database version.

If the HADB servers on all nodes start successfully, the HADB server version has been upgraded.