8.1.1 統計の管理


  • [操作]-[レポートを追加]ボタンをクリックすると、[レポートを追加]画面に遷移し、統計を作成することができます。
  • [操作]-[レポートをインポート]ボタンをクリックすると、[レポートをインポート]画面に遷移し、XML形式の統計の定義をOTOBOにインポートすることができます。これにより、他のシステムで作成した統計の定義を移行することができます。
  • メインエリアの[レポート]にはOTOBO上に存在する統計の一覧が表示されます。



項目 説明
STAT# 統計に自動的に割り当てられた番号
タイトル 統計のタイトル
対象 統計の対象となるオブジェクトタイプ
エクスポート 統計の定義をXML形式でエクスポートします。
削除 統計を削除します。
実行 統計を実行します。


  • エクスポートした統計の定義を、同じOTOBOにインポートしても既存の統計の定義は上書きされず、同名の統計が新規で追加されます。
  • 種類が「静的」のオブジェクトタイプの統計は、すでにそのオブジェクトタイプの統計が存在する場合は、インポートに失敗します。
  • エクスポートした統計の定義のファイルを編集することは非サポートです。

[対象]カラムには統計で使用するオブジェクトが表示されます。オブジェクトの詳細については「(表)Ops Iでサポートしているオブジェクトタイプ」を参照してください。


STAT# タイトル 対象 サポート
10001 Overview about all tickets in the system TicketAccumulation
10002 List of tickets closed, sorted by response time Ticketlist
10003 List of tickets closed last month Ticketlist
10004 List of tickets closed, sorted by solution time Ticketlist
10005 List of tickets created last month Ticketlist
10006 Changes of status in a monthly overview StateAction
10007 List of the most time-consuming tickets Ticketlist
10008 New Tickets TicketAccumulation
10009 List of open tickets, sorted by time left until response deadline expires Ticketlist
10010 List of open tickets, sorted by time left until escalation deadline expires Ticketlist
10011 List of open tickets, sorted by time left until solution deadline expires Ticketlist
10012 Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Priority TicketAccumulation
10013 Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and State TicketAccumulation
10014 Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Queue TicketAccumulation
10015 Total number of all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Service TicketAccumulation
10016 Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Ticket-Type TicketAccumulation
10017 Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Priority TicketAccumulation
10018 Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per State TicketAccumulation
10019 Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Queue TicketAccumulation
10020 Monthly overview of all tickets created in the last month per Service TicketAccumulation
10021 Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Priority TicketAccumulation
10022 Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and State TicketAccumulation
10023 Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Queue TicketAccumulation
10024 Number of tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Service TicketAccumulation
10025 Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Priority TicketAccumulation
10026 Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Queue TicketAccumulation
10027 Number of currently open tickets per Ticket-Type and Service TicketAccumulation
10028 Total number of all config items ever created per Class and State ITSMConfigItem
10029 Monthly overview of all config items created in the last month per Class ITSMConfigItem
10030 Monthly overview of all config items created in the last month per State ITSMConfigItem
10031 Number of config items created in a specific time period per Class and State ITSMConfigItem
10032 First level solution rate for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Priority ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10033 First level solution rate for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Queue ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10034 First level solution rate for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Service ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10035 Monthly overview of first level solution rate per Ticket-Type in the last month ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10036 Monthly overview of first level solution rate per Priority in the last month ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10037 Monthly overview of first level solution rate per Queue in the last month ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10038 Monthly overview of first level solution rate per Service in the last month ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10039 First level solution rate for all tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Priority ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10040 First level solution rate for all tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Queue ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10041 First level solution rate for all tickets created in a specific time period per Ticket-Type and Service ITSMTicketFirstLevelSolutionRate
10042 Average solution time for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Priority ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10043 Average solution time for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Queue ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10044 Average solution time for all tickets ever created per Ticket-Type and Service ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10045 Monthly overview of the average solution time per Ticket-Type in the last month ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10046 Monthly overview of the average solution time per Priority in the last month ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10047 Monthly overview of the average solution time per Queue in the last month ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10048 Monthly overview of the average solution time per Service in the last month ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10049 Average solution time of tickets created in the last month per Ticket-Type and Priority ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10050 Average solution time of tickets created in the last month per Ticket-Type and Queue ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10051 Average solution time of tickets created in the last month per Ticket-Type and Service ITSMTicketSolutionTimeAverage
10052 ITSMChange Count Changes ITSMChangeManagement
10053 ITSMChange Changes per Category ITSMChangeManagement
10054 ITSMChange rejected changes ITSMChangeManagementHistory
10055 ITSMChange retracted changes ITSMChangeManagementHistory
10056 Relation Tickets (by types) ↔ Changes ITSMChangeManagementChangesIncidents
10057 RfCs per Requester ITSMChangeManagementRfcRequester
10058 Changes per config item class ITSMChangeManagementChangesPerCIClasses
10059 FAQ access overview FAQAccess