Job Management Partner 1/Base
User's Guide
- Notices
- Preface
- Part 1: Overview
- 1. Overview of JP1/Base
- 1.1 Overview of JP1/Base functionality
- 1.2 Managing users
- 1.2.1 Authenticating users
- 1.2.2 User authentication block
- 1.2.3 Secondary authentication server
- 1.2.4 Login authentication by linking with a directory server (Windows only)
- 1.2.5 Mapping users
- 1.3 Controlling the service start and stop sequences (Windows only)
- 1.4 Sending and receiving events with the event service
- 1.4.1 JP1 events acquired by JP1/Base
- 1.4.2 Event database
- 1.4.3 Forwarding JP1 events
- 1.5 Converting log messages and event log data into JP1 events
- 1.5.1 Converting application program log files
- 1.5.2 Converting Windows event logs
- 1.6 Collecting and distributing definitions (JP1/IM only)
- 1.6.1 Managing definitions by using IM configuration management
- 1.6.2 Checking information on the operation of services by using IM configuration management
- 1.6.3 Collecting and distributing definitions for the event service by using commands
- 1.6.4 Collecting definitions of JP1 programs
- 1.7 Health check
- 1.7.1 Process monitoring with the health check function
- 1.7.2 Remote host monitoring with the health check function
- 1.8 Local action
- 1.8.1 Conditions for executing local actions
- 1.8.2 Commands for local actions
- 1.8.3 Execution status of local actions
- 1.8.4 Pausing local actions
- 1.9 Support for system configurations
- 1.9.1 Using JP1/Base in a cluster system
- 1.9.2 Using logical hosts in a non-cluster environment
- 1.10 Communication protocols of JP1/Base
- 1.10.1 Recommended communication protocol
- 1.10.2 Checking IP addresses corresponding to host names
- 1.11 JP1/Base compatibility
- Part 2: Installation and Setup
- 2. Installation and Setup
- 2.1 Installation and setup overview
- 2.2 Installing JP1/Base (in Windows)
- 2.2.1 Installing JP1/Base
- 2.2.2 Uninstalling JP1/Base
- 2.2.3 Notes on installing and uninstalling JP1/Base
- 2.3 Installing JP1/Base (in UNIX)
- 2.3.1 Installing JP1/Base
- 2.3.2 Using the Hitachi Program Product Installer
- 2.3.3 Uninstalling JP1/Base
- 2.3.4 Notes on installing and uninstalling JP1/Base
- 2.3.5 Pre-setup tasks
- 2.4 JP1/Base setup
- 2.4.1 Extending regular expressions to be used
- 2.4.2 Setup for handling possible errors in JP1/Base
- 2.5 Backup and recovery
- 2.5.1 Backup and recovery considerations
- 2.5.2 Backup and recovery (in Windows)
- 2.5.3 Backup and recovery (in UNIX)
- 3. Setting Up JP1/Base for Use in a Cluster System
- 3.1 Overview of using JP1/Base in a cluster system
- 3.1.1 Overview of a cluster system
- 3.1.2 Overview of using JP1/Base in a cluster system
- 3.2 Prerequisites for using JP1/Base in a cluster system and the support range
- 3.3 Functions of JP/Base in a cluster system
- 3.3.1 Cluster operation with the log file trapping function
- 3.3.2 Cluster operation with the event log trapping function
- 3.3.3 Cluster operation with the health check function
- 3.4 Setting up the environment for a cluster system (in Windows)
- 3.4.1 Required environment settings
- 3.4.2 Installing JP1/Base
- 3.4.3 Setup
- 3.4.4 Registering services in the cluster software
- 3.4.5 Modifying common definition information
- 3.4.6 Deleting logical hosts
- 3.4.7 Settings to configure both physical and logical host environments on the same logical host
- 3.5 Setting up the environment for a cluster system (in UNIX)
- 3.5.1 Required environment settings
- 3.5.2 Installing JP1/Base
- 3.5.3 Setup
- 3.5.4 Registering daemons in the cluster software
- 3.5.5 Modifying common definition information
- 3.5.6 Deleting logical hosts
- 3.6 Notes on using JP1/Base in a cluster system
- 3.7 Setting up a logical host in a non-cluster environment
- 3.7.1 Considerations when using logical hosts in a non-cluster environment
- 3.7.2 Configuring a logical host in a non-cluster environment
- 3.7.3 Logical host operation in a non-cluster environment
- 4. JP1/Base Communication Settings According to Network Configurations
- 4.1 Using JP1/Base on a single network
- 4.2 Using JP1/Base on multiple networks
- 4.3 Using JP1/Base in an environment of distinct networks
- 4.3.1 Issues on using JP1/Base in an environment of distinct networks
- 4.3.2 Defining jp1hosts information
- 4.3.3 Changing communication settings
- 4.3.4 Changing communication settings of event services
- 4.3.5 Restarting JP1/Base
- 4.3.6 Note on transmitting/receiving an event to/from earlier versions of event servers
- 4.4 An example of communication settings when JP1/Base is not used in a cluster system (in an environment of distinct networks)
- 4.4.1 Changing communication settings
- 4.5 An example of communication settings when JP1/Base is used in a cluster system (in an environment of distinct networks)
- 4.5.1 Changing communication settings
- 4.6 Communication settings example when JP1/Base is operating within a specific network in an environment with multiple networks
- 4.7 Resetting JP1/Base to a single network after use on multiple networks
- Part 3: Installation and Operation
- 5. Startup and Termination
- 5.1 Starting and stopping JP1/Base (in Windows)
- 5.1.1 Starting services
- 5.1.2 Confirming service startup
- 5.1.3 Stopping services
- 5.2 Starting and stopping JP1/Base (in UNIX)
- 5.2.1 Setting services to start and stop automatically
- 5.2.2 Confirming JP1/Base startup
- 6. User Management Setup
- 6.1 User management setup (in Windows)
- 6.1.1 Specifying the authentication servers to use
- 6.1.2 Setting JP1 users (standard users)
- 6.1.3 Setting JP1 user operating permissions
- 6.1.4 Copying settings from the primary authentication server
- 6.1.5 Before setting user mapping
- 6.1.6 Using the GUI to set user mapping
- 6.1.7 Using commands to set user mapping
- 6.1.8 Notes on user management setup
- 6.2 Setup for login authentication linking with the directory server (in Windows)
- 6.2.1 Specifying the directory server to be linked
- 6.2.2 Setting JP1 users (linked users)
- 6.3 User management setup (in UNIX)
- 6.3.1 Specifying the authentication servers to use
- 6.3.2 Setting JP1 users
- 6.3.3 Setting JP1 user operating permissions
- 6.3.4 Copying settings from the primary authentication server
- 6.3.5 Setting user mapping
- 6.3.6 Notes on user management setup
- 6.4 Setup for handling the blocked status (using a secondary authentication server)
- 6.4.1 Blocked status settings using the GUI (Windows only)
- 6.4.2 Blocked status settings using commands
- 7. Setting the Service Start and Stop Sequences (Windows Only)
- 7.1 Setting the service start and stop sequences
- 7.2 Editing a start sequence definition file
- 7.2.1 Setting the service start sequence
- 7.2.2 Setting the service stop sequence
- 7.3 Setting the timing for starting services
- 7.4 Notes on using startup control
- 8. Setting up an Event Service Environment
- 8.1 Process for setting up an event service environment
- 8.1.1 Determining which JP1 events to forward
- 8.1.2 Setting up an event service environment
- 8.1.3 Setting up an event server in a system that uses DNS services
- 8.2 Initializing the event database
- 8.2.1 Initializing an event database while the event service is active
- 8.2.2 Initializing an event database while the event service is stopped
- 8.3 Outputting the event database to a CSV file
- 8.3.1 Output format of a CSV file
- 8.3.2 Items output to the CSV file
- 8.4 Notes on using the event service
- 9. Setting Up the Event Converters
- 9.1 Converting application program log files
- 9.1.1 Setting up a log file trap
- 9.1.2 Notes on log file trapping
- 9.2 Converting Windows event logs
- 9.2.1 Procedures for setting up event log trapping
- 9.2.2 Notes on event log trapping
- 10. Collecting and Distributing Event Service Definitions (JP1/IM Only)
- 10.1 Communication settings for definition and operation information (linked with IM configuration management)
- 10.2 Collecting event service definitions
- 10.2.1 Output format
- 10.2.2 Collection example
- 10.3 Distributing event service definitions
- 11. Setting Local Actions
- 11.1 Setting a local action
- 11.1.1 Defining a local action
- 11.1.2 Changing local action settings
- 11.1.3 Checking the operating status of a local action
- 11.1.4 Pausing a local action
- 11.2 Example of operating a local action
- 11.2.1 Setting the local action execution definition file
- 11.2.2 Setting the forwarding settings file
- 11.3 Notes on local actions
- 12. Modifying Settings During JP1/Base Operation
- 12.1 Modifying settings for JP1/Base
- 12.2 Modifying settings on a JP1/Base host
- 12.2.1 Effects and follow-up tasks when changing host names
- 12.2.2 Effects and follow-up tasks when changing IP addresses
- 12.2.3 Follow-up tasks when changing the system time
- Part 4: Reference
- 13. Commands
- List of commands
- cpysvprm (Windows only)
- hntr2conf
- hntr2getconf
- hntr2getname (Windows only)
- hntr2kill (UNIX only)
- hntr2mon (UNIX only)
- hntr2util (UNIX only)
- hntr2util (Windows only)
- jbs_killall.cluster (UNIX only)
- jbs_log.bat (Windows only)
- (UNIX only)
- jbs_setup_cluster (Windows only)
- jbs_spmd (UNIX only)
- jbs_spmd_reload
- jbs_spmd_status
- jbs_spmd_stop
- jbs_start (UNIX only)
- jbs_start.cluster (UNIX only)
- jbs_stop (UNIX only)
- jbs_stop.cluster (UNIX only)
- jbsacllint
- jbsaclreload
- jbsadduser
- jbsadmin (Windows Vista only)
- jbsblockadesrv
- jbscancellcact
- jbschgds (Windows only)
- jbschgpasswd
- jbschkds (Windows only)
- jbsgetcnf
- jbsgetopinfo
- jbsgetumap
- jbshostsexport
- jbshostsimport
- jbslistacl
- jbslistlcact
- jbslistsrv
- jbslistuser
- jbsmkpass (Windows only)
- jbsmkumap
- jbspassmgr (Windows only)
- jbsrmacl
- jbsrmumap
- jbsrmumappass (Windows only)
- jbsrmuser
- jbsrt_del
- jbsrt_distrib
- jbsrt_get
- jbsrt_sync
- jbssetacl
- jbssetcnf
- jbssetumap
- jbssetupsrv (Windows only)
- jbssetusrsrv (UNIX only)
- jbsumappass (Windows only)
- jbsunblockadesrv
- jbsunsetcnf
- jcocmdconv
- jcocmddef
- jcocmddel
- jcocmdlog
- jcocmdshow
- jevdbinit
- jevdbmkrep
- jevdbswitch
- jevdef_distrib
- jevdef_get
- jeveltreload (Windows only)
- jevexport
- jevlogdstart (UNIX only)
- jevlogdstop (UNIX only)
- jevlogreload
- jevlogstart
- jevlogstat
- jevlogstop
- jevregsvc (Windows only)
- jevreload
- jevsend
- jevsendd
- jevstart (UNIX only)
- jevstat
- jevstop (UNIX only)
- Jischk
- Jiscond
- Jisconv
- Jiscpy
- Jisext
- Jisinfo
- Jiskeymnt
- Jisktod
- Jislckclear (Windows only)
- Jislckext
- Jislckfree (Windows only)
- Jislckreg (UNIX only)
- Jismlcktr (Windows only)
- Jisprt
- Jisrsdel (UNIX only)
- jp1base_setup (UNIX only)
- jp1base_setup_cluster (UNIX only)
- jp1bshasetup (Windows only)
- jp1ping
- 14. Definition Files
- List of definition files
- Event filter syntax
- Start sequence definition file (Windows only)
- Service startup delay time / timer monitoring period definition file (Windows only)
- Event server index file
- Event server settings file
- Forwarding settings file
- API settings file
- Action definition file for log file trapping
- Log information definition file
- Action definition file for event log trapping (Windows only)
- Distribution definition file
- Password definition file (Windows only)
- User permission level file
- Directory server modification file (Windows only)
- Directory server linkage definition file (Windows only)
- User mapping definition file
- Health check definition file
- Common definition settings file (health check function)
- JP1/Base parameter definition file
- Extended startup process definition file
- jp1hosts definition file
- Host access control definition file
- Local action environment variable file
- Local action execution definition file
- Common definition settings file (local action function)
- 15. JP1 Events
- 15.1 JP1 event attributes
- 15.1.1 Basic attributes
- 15.1.2 Extended attributes
- 15.2 List of JP1 events output by JP1/Base
- 15.3 JP1 event details
- Part 5: Troubleshooting
- 16. Troubleshooting
- 16.1 Troubleshooting procedure
- 16.2 Types of log information
- 16.2.1 Common message log information
- 16.2.2 Integrated trace log information
- 16.2.3 Log information of each process
- 16.2.4 Operation log
- 16.2.5 Log files and directories
- 16.3 Data that must be collected when an error occurs
- 16.3.1 In Windows
- 16.3.2 In UNIX
- 16.4 How to collect data
- 16.4.1 In Windows
- 16.4.2 In UNIX
- 16.5 Troubleshooting different types of problems
- 16.5.1 Problems in Windows or UNIX
- 16.5.2 Problems in Windows
- 16.5.3 Errors in UNIX
- 16.5.4 Errors detected by the health check function
- 16.6 Notes on using JP1/Base
- Appendixes
- A. List of Files and Directories
- A.1 In Windows
- A.2 In UNIX
- B. List of Processes
- B.1 Windows processes
- B.2 UNIX processes
- C. List of Port Numbers
- C.1 Port numbers for JP1/Base
- C.2 Direction in which data passes through the firewall
- C.3 Connection status
- D. List of Limits
- E. Performance and Estimation
- E.1 Memory requirements
- E.2 Disk space requirements (in Windows)
- E.3 Disk space requirements (in UNIX)
- E.4 Disk space requirements for the shared disk in a cluster system
- F. Syntax of Regular Expressions
- F.1 Regular expressions that can be used by default
- F.2 Extended regular expressions that can be used when regular expressions are extended
- F.3 Comparison between regular expressions supported in Version 06-71 and earlier, and Version 07-00 and later
- F.4 Tips on using regular expressions
- F.5 Examples of using regular expressions
- G. List of Kernel Parameters
- H. Handling Changes in Communication Settings
- I. Converting SNMP traps
- I.1 Using the SNMP trap converter to convert SNMP traps into events
- I.2 Setting the SNMP trap converter
- I.3 SNMP trap conversion command syntax
- I.4 Definition files for SNMP trap conversion
- I.5 JP1 events for SNMP trap conversion
- J. Linking with Products That Use JP1/SES Events
- J.1 Settings for individual products that use JP1/SES events
- J.2 Common settings for products that use JP1/SES events
- J.3 Notes on using JP1/SES events
- J.4 Converting JP1/SES events into JP1 events
- K. Operation Log Output
- K.1 Types of events recorded in the operation log
- K.2 Storage format of operation log output
- K.3 Operation log output format
- K.4 Trigger conditions for operation log output
- K.5 Settings for outputting operation logs
- K.6 Operation log messages
- L. Version Changes
- L.1 Changes in 09-00
- L.2 Changes in 08-00
- L.3 Changes in 07-51
- L.4 Changes in 07-00
- M. Glossary
- Index
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