Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2
- (A)
- abbreviations for products
- acronyms
- agent
- AIT file
- alert report
- all lower clients
- AMT Linkage logs, checking
- application gateway method
- archive
- asset information
- Asset Information Manager Subset
- collecting problem information about
- audit log
- output format of
- output of
- save format
- setup for output of
- types of events output in
- authentication server
- setting up users on (JP1/Base linkage)
- automatic maintenance policy file
- (B)
- backing up system
- business filter
- (C)
- cabinet
- central manager
- change history
- client
- client control facility
- client log messages
- client log messages
- cluster system
- backing up and restoring
- changing settings
- collected file
- collection script
- commands
- available to be executed (JP1/Base linkage)
- input format of (JP1/AJS linkage)
- input to (JP1/AJS linkage)
- output from (JP1/AJS linkage)
- setting for executing (JP1/Base linkage)
- types of (JP1/AJS linkage)
- used for backing up and restoring system
- verifying error information for (JP1/AJS linkage)
- controller
- conventions
- abbreviations for products
- acronyms
- diagrams
- fonts and symbols
- KB, MB, GB, and TB
- version numbers
- count clients
- CSV output utility, functions available to (JP1/Base linkage)
- (D)
- database maintenance
- Asset Information Manager Subset
- Embedded RDB
- in cluster system environment
- Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle
- Database Manager
- dcmcoll.exe
- dcmcsvu.exe
- dcmdice.exe
- dcmdici.exe
- dcmgpmnt.exe
- dcmhstwo.exe
- dcminst.exe
- dcmjbrm.exe
- dcmjexe.exe
- dcmmonrst.exe
- dcmpack.exe
- dcmpkget.exe
- dcmpkput.exe
- dcmpkrm.exe
- dcmrmgen.exe
- dcmrtry.exe
- dcmstat.exe
- dcmstdiv.exe
- dcmstsw.exe
- dcmsusp.exe
- dcmuidi.exe
- dcmwsus.exe
- deleted software management table
- Deleting unnecessary data
- destination group that contains only security PCs, creating
- device operation
- diagram conventions
- directory information
- directory_com
- directory_group
- directory_ou
- division
- division information
- domain
- (E)
- Embedded RDB
- error recovery (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- errors, troubleshooting
- event IDs
- description of (JP1/Software Distribution Client (client))
- description of (JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system))
- description of (JP1/Software Distribution Manager)
- event log messages
- actions to take for
- causes of
- for JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- for JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- for JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- lists of
- monitoring of
- extended attributes (JP1/IM linkage)
- for client alert events
- for operation-monitoring alert event for an invalid device connection
- for operation-monitoring alert event for operation history deletion
- for operation-monitoring alert event for print suppression
- for operation-monitoring alert event for software startup suppression
- for send instruction end events
- of JP1 events
- (F)
- firewall
- font conventions
- Functions Provided in the Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- (G)
- GB, meaning of
- glossary
- group information
- (H)
- higher system address, file for
- host group
- host ID
- host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- host search
- hosts
- checking inventory information from
- checking job status from
- managing JP1/Software Distribution from
- software required for linking with
- system configuration for linking with
- hp OpenView Linkage
- checking job status from node submap
- checking job status from status event browser
- checking symbols from
- client symbol
- JP1/Software Distribution Inventory Viewer, configuration of
- JP1/Software Distribution Job Viewer, configuration of
- manager symbol
- notes on using
- relay manager symbol
- relay system symbol
- symbols, addition of
- symbols, deletion of
- symbols, error indications on
- types of JP1/Software Distribution symbols
- HTTP Gateway, event log messages for
- (I)
- ID group
- ID group job
- information file for higher connection destination
- installation mode
- installation script
- installation timing
- installed software information
- installed software list
- Installing the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- InstallShield environment deletion tool
- inventory
- Inventory Viewer
- (J)
- job
- JP1 event
- JP1 events
- attributes of
- basic attributes of
- client alert event
- extended attributes of
- instruction end event, sending
- job end event, sending
- reporting to JP1/IM
- reporting, when relay system is down
- reporting, when server is down
- types of
- JP1 permission level
- JP1 user
- JP1 users
- available functions for
- permissions
- setting permissions for
- setting up
- overview of automatic operation linked with
- JP1/Asset Information Manager
- JP1/Base
- managing JP1/Software Distribution users by linking with
- system configuration for linking with
- JP1/Base linkage
- jobs that can be executed
- operations available to each permission
- required programs
- system configuration
- JP1/IM
- managing JP1/Software Distribution from
- reporting JP1 events to (JP1/IM linkage)
- sharing permission with (JP1/Base linkage)
- JP1/Software Distribution
- acquiring problem information
- collecting files from various locations (JP1/AJS linkage)
- managing from HP NNM
- managing users by linking with JP1/Base
- managing, from JP1/IM
- modifying files (JP1/AJS linkage)
- not installed, host on which
- not installed, host on which
- procedure for starting operation of (JP1/Base linkage)
- redistributing files (JP1/AJS linkage)
- starting, from JP1/IM
- symbols
- to NNM, information reported from
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- actions for abnormal operation
- backing up
- checking log files
- checking MAIN.LOG file for
- checking Windows NT event log for
- event log messages for
- logs collected by
- restoring
- troubleshooting for
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- actions for abnormal operation
- backing up
- checking log files
- checking MAIN.LOG file for
- checking Windows NT event log for
- event log messages for
- logs collected by
- restoring
- troubleshooting
- JP1/Software Distribution Inventory Viewer, configuration of
- JP1/Software Distribution Job Viewer, configuration of
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- actions for abnormal operation
- automatically backing up
- checking log files
- checking MAIN.LOG file for
- checking Windows NT event log for
- logs collected by
- manually backing up
- restoring
- troubleshooting for
- (K)
- KB, meaning of
- (L)
- Local System Viewer
- log files, checking
- logs
- automatic updating of connection destination-related
- for entire JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- installation script-related
- inventory viewer-related
- LogFile function-related
- (M)
- MAIN.LOG file, checking for
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- maintenance codes
- from execution of Get software information from client job
- from remote installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- from remote installation of other companies' software
- from remote installation of other Hitachi program products
- from transfer user inventory schema to client job
- job result return code
- list of
- remote installation
- maintenance data, collecting
- managing server
- changing settings for tuning item of
- MB, meaning of
- messages
- Microsoft SQL Server
- MONRST.LOG file, checking
- multicast address
- multicast distribution
- multicast group
- multiple LAN connections
- (N)
- network configuration information file
- network information
- Notes on using the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- (O)
- offline folder
- offline installation
- offline machine
- offline machine information
- operation history
- Operation Log List window
- operation logs
- operation monitoring policy
- Operational maintenance
- operations to or from external media
- output file
- (P)
- package
- Package Setup Manager
- package type
- Packager
- packaging
- update data
- packet filtering method
- parameter file (JP1/AJS linkage)
- creating
- format of
- overview of
- parameters
- action
- base_fullpath
- cabinet_id
- cabinet_name
- client_shutdown
- client_wake_up
- compress
- compress_type
- condition (comparison condition)
- condition (software condition)
- condition (system condition)
- destination_id
- directory
- dmz_path
- encipher
- exit
- expiration_date
- expiration_days
- external_program_error_handler
- external_program_executed_after_installation
- external_program_executed_before_installation
- external_program_handler
- file_path
- format
- generation
- group
- group_membership
- host_name
- installation_date_and_time
- installation_mode
- installation_script
- installation_timing
- job_entry_date
- job_execution_date
- job_expiration_date
- job_folder
- job_generator
- jobno
- lower_clients
- package_code
- package_id
- package_name
- permission
- processing_dialog
- reboot
- restore
- row
- source_path
- split_size
- template
- timeout
- unarc_path
- unsuspended
- version_revision
- wait
- wait_code
- wait_time
- patch information file
- patch information, unapplied
- policy
- (R)
- RD area
- RDBSRV.LOG file, checking
- recorder file
- relational database
- relay manager
- relay manager/system
- relay managing the ID
- relay system
- remote collection
- remote control
- Remote Control Agent
- Remote Control Manager
- Remote Desktop
- remote installation
- detecting updating of file and automatically performing (JP1/AJS linkage)
- of update data
- of update data to security PCs
- retrying after error detection (JP1/AJS linkage)
- to security PCs, flow of
- to security PCs, requirements for
- Remote Installation Manager
- Remote Installation Manager
- functions available to (JP1/Base linkage)
- setting up environment to start (JP1/IM linkage)
- starting (JP1/IM linkage)
- reserved words (JP1/AJS linkage)
- specifying
- using, examples of
- using, notes on
- restoring system
- (S)
- search pattern
- security PC
- security PCs
- creating destination group for
- flow of remote installation to
- remote installation of update data to
- requirements for remote installation to
- Setting up the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- software information
- software inventory dictionary
- software search list
- split distribution
- Starting and terminating the managing server in a cluster system environment
- suppress history
- symbol conventions
- system configuration
- for linking with JP1/Base
- JP1/Base linkage
- system information
- system maintenance
- system monitoring
- System Monitoring icon
- system setting, changing
- (T)
- tags
- specifying
- types of
- TB, meaning of
- terminal server
- troubleshooting
- checking detailed information about an erroneous job
- facilitating checking of job status
- flow of (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- for JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- for JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- identifying cause of error (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- list of maintenance codes
- main cause of DBMS error and action to be taken (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- main cause of managing server linkage error and action to be taken (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- main cause of Web browser error and action to be taken (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- main cause of Web server error and action to be taken (Asset Information Manager Subset)
- when a job fails
- when an error occurs
- (U)
- unarchiver
- unicast distribution
- unicode
- update data
- packaging
- remote installation of
- user authentication features
- user inventory information
- user inventory item
- USER_CLT.LOG file format
- (V)
- version changes
- version number conventions
- Visual Test
- (W)
- Wake on LAN
- Windows 7/Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- components, available
- functional differences
- hardware requirements, estimating
- system configuration
- Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista version of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- Windows NT event log, checking for
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- WMI information, collecting
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