Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2
- agent
- A host in which the Remote Control Agent operates.
- AIT file
- A file that contains a procedure for installing software interactively using a tool such as a dedicated installer. Automatic Installation Tool is used to create an AIT file.
- alert report
- An alert is a single message that is displayed by a program. If user operation may result in a serious error, an alert is displayed to attract the user's attention or to provide a warning.
- With JP1/Software Distribution, when an error such as a hardware error is detected while monitoring a client system, the error event is reported to the user by means of a method such as a pop-up message. This is called an alert report.
- all lower clients
- A destination type specified when the central manager executes a job for all hosts under a relay manager.
- application gateway method
- A method of building a firewall that prohibits packet relay and controls access using an application gateway. Users cannot gain direct access to the system from the outside; they must first log in to a gateway and enter a password.
- archive
- A collection of files.
- asset information
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage hardware and software.
- Asset Information Manager Subset
- A component that provides a GUI for totaling and searching the inventory information and operation logs collected by JP1/Software Distribution, according to the desired purpose.
- By installing Asset Information Manager Subset, you can also open a window for managing software operation information from Remote Installation Manager.
- It also provides GUI for client security management when JP1/Client Security Control is linked.
- audit log
- A log that is output in common by JP1 products. It provides a record of who performed each operation, when it was performed, and the type of operation that was performed.
- authentication server
- A server that uses JP1/Base to manage access permissions for JP1 users. One authentication server must be installed for each user authentication block. With this server, all JP1 users can be managed in a single batch. To manage JP1/Software Distribution users in linkage with JP1/Base, the JP1 users must be registered in this server.
- automatic maintenance policy file
- A text-format file that contains a policy for automatic maintenance of host groups and ID groups.
- business filter
- A function used by Asset Information Manager Subset to restrict the processes that can be executed from operation windows according to user permissions.
- The constituent elements (buttons, search conditions, edit items, etc.) of each operation window are changed according to the user's permissions.
- cabinet
- An area in a managing server for storing packages.
- central manager
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager that is positioned at the top of the system in the case where managing servers are configured hierarchically.
- change history
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage changes in the memory size and disk capacity of devices. You can use the change history to determine whether the CPU, memory, or disk has been physically modified without authorization.
- The change history includes the change date, disk capacity, memory size, CPU, and so forth.
- client
- A computer on which the JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) software or the client facility of JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) is installed. A client receives software programs directly or through a relay manager/system from the managing server and notifies the managing server of the results of installing the software.
- client control facility
- Facility for starting and shutting down remote PCs connected via a network from the local PC. Using this facility, JP1/Software Distribution can install software on a remote PC when its power is off, such as at night and on weekends/holidays. Note that in order to use this facility, the remote PCs (the motherboard, BIOS, power supply, LAN card, etc.) must support Wake on LAN and automatic shutdown.
- collected file
- A file collected from clients by remote collection.
- collection script
- A script that specifies the procedure for remote collection executed by a client. A collection script is created automatically when remote collection is executed from a Windows higher system. When remote collection is executed from a UNIX higher system, the client users can create user-specific collection scripts to achieve desired processing.
- controller
- A host in which the Remote Control Manager operates.
- count clients
- A facility that counts the number of hosts by types of information managed by JP1/Software Distribution Manager. This facility is used in a relational database system.
- Database Manager
- A JP1 software component used to create and maintain relational databases. Database Manager is provided in two component types, one for JP1/Software Distribution Manager and the other for the Asset Information Manager Subset component.
- Database Manager for JP1/Software Distribution Manager is a component of JP1/Software Distribution Manager that is used to create and maintain relational databases used by JP1/Software Distribution.
- Database Manager for Asset Information Manager Subset component is a subcomponent of Asset Information Manager Subset that is used to create and maintain relational databases for Asset Information Manager Subset.
- deleted software management table
- An internal table in which software deleted from the software inventory is registered. If a Get software information from client job with Search for a file specified is executed and software information reported from a host is registered in the deleted software management table, the obtained software information is not added to the software inventory nor to the software inventory of the host.
- device operation
- A target to which operation monitoring is applied. Reading from or writing to media via a USB storage device, internal CD/DVD drive, internal floppy disk drive, IEEE 1394-connected device, internal SD card slot, Bluetooth device, or imaging device can be suppressed as a device operation. This can only be used with clients running version 09-50 or later.
- Connection and disconnection (removal) information for these devices is also collected in device operation logs.
- directory information
- User information and computer information acquired from Active Directory. The acquired directory information can be used as a job destination or for viewing the client information from Inventory Viewer.
- division
- In Asset Information Manager Subset, this is information that allows a user to manage other groups as a group job. Multiple divisions can be set for each group. By assigning a division to a user, that user can also manage the information of the groups (division groups) set to that division.
- division information
- In Asset Information Manager Subset, this is information about the groups set to a division.
- domain
- A unit for managing hosts and users in a network.
- Embedded RDB
- An embedded relational database provided by JP1/Software Distribution Manager. The user can select whether or not to install Embedded RDB when JP1/Software Distribution Manager is installed.
- external media operations
- See operations to or from external media.
- firewall
- A component installed at the boundary between the Internet and an internal system, which prevents unauthorized access to the internal system from the outside.
- group information
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage organizations, such as departments that use the asset management system. Group information includes items such as group name, group code, cost group code, and so forth.
- higher system addresses, file for
- A settings file that contains the mappings of host names and IP addresses. It is used by a client to recognize the IP address of a higher system when a host name-keyed client cannot resolve the name of the higher system.
- host
- A networked personal computer or workstation that is a target for JP1/Software Distribution operations.
- host group
- A method of grouping multiple clients for remote installation of software at those clients. This method allows you to group hosts from a managing system in a way that matches the job, organization, or other distribution purpose.
- host ID
- A key that uniquely identifies a host in a system. Because host IDs are not affected by the network configuration, the system administrator can use host IDs to reduce the work of managing hosts. The system must use a relational database to use host IDs.
- host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- A host on which JP1/Software Distribution Manager has not been installed.
- host search
- Function for searching hosts in a specified range of the network; used to detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed.
- A generic term for integrated network management programs that manage the configuration, performance, and problems in a network. If the OpenView Linkage facility is used, JP1/Software Distribution inventory information and job execution status can be managed from the monitoring windows of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier.
- ID group
- A method of grouping multiple clients for remote installation of software at those clients. Clients are registered into an ID group at the clients or managing server.
- ID group job
- A job that specifies an ID group as the destination.
- installation mode
- The mode for installing a package in a client. The two options are GUI installation mode, which uses an installer, and Background installation mode, which does not use an installer and in which the files are simply copied.
- installation script
- A script executed by clients that specifies the procedure for an installation. An installation script is created automatically when a package is created. Users can create their own installation scripts to execute user-specific processes.
- installation timing
- The timing for installing a package in a client. You can select either Install when system starts, which installs the package when the client is started, or Normal installation, which installs the package when the package is transferred to the client.
- installed software information
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage the software installed in various devices.
- Installed software information, that is, the inventory information managed by the managing server, is imported into and used by the database of Asset Information Manager Subset.
- Therefore, the software name and version being managed by the information-importing program, such as JP1/Software Distribution, are used.
- installed software list
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage the names of software installed in various devices. This list is also used for managing the various settings of the installed software.
- InstallShield environment deletion tool
- A tool that re-initializes the installation environment. It is used before JP1/Software Distribution Client is re-installed after an installation has been stopped due to an installation error.
- inventory
- Information required for managing clients, such as hardware usage conditions and types of software installed in the client. A client's inventory is retrieved from the client by executing a job from the managing server.
- Inventory Viewer
- A window for displaying and counting inventory information retrieved from clients. This window provides a wide range of reporting functions. It can be used by JP1/Software Distribution Manager.
- job
- The execution unit of a JP1/Software Distribution facility. There are 21 job types:
- Install package
- Transfer package to relay system
- Batch delete packages on relay system
- Collect files from client
- Collect files from client to relay system
- Acquire collected files from relay system
- Delete collected files from relay system
- Send package, allow client to choose
- Get system configuration information
- Get system information from client
- Get software information from client
- Transfer user inventory schema to client
- Get user inventory information
- Transfer registry collection definition
- Hold report
- Hold-report release
- Suspend file transfer
- Resume file transfer
- Report message
- Set the software monitoring policy
- Get software monitoring information from the client
- JP1 event
- Information that is reported to JP1/Base about an event that has occurred in a system.
- JP1 user
- An account used by JP1/Software Distribution for user authentication when user management is performed in linkage with JP1/Base. Such an account is set up in the authentication server installed with JP1/Base. JP1/IM and JP1/AJS can also be used to perform user authentication of JP1 users.
- A program for running jobs automatically. JP1/AJS enables you to routinely execute processes in a given order and to start a process when a specified event occurs.
- JP1/Asset Information Manager
- A program that supports streamlining of IT asset management applications and reduction of management cost required in tasks, such as installation of assets, software license management, and device maintenance, by using a database to achieve central management of information, such as hardware including network devices, software, and contracts.
- JP1/Base
- A program that provides the core functionality for JP1/IM.
- JP1/Base sends and receives JP1 events, manages users, and controls client startup. It also functions as the JP1/IM system agent.
- JP1/Base is a prerequisite program for JP1/IM - Manager.
- JP1/IM
- A program that centrally monitors a distributed system. Information about events such as job processing and failures in the distributed system is sent to JP1/IM as JP1 events. JP1/IM registers and manages JP1 events, and displays them on the system administrator's screen.
- JP1/Software Distribution not installed, host on which
- See host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed.
- JP1/Software Distribution system
- The entire network consisting of the hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is installed.
- Local System Viewer
- A window that displays information about the hardware and software of clients, including the system monitoring status, alerts history, system information, and installed software. The client user can use this window for local system management purposes, because the information is available even when the client is not connected to a higher system.
- managing server
- A program that stores software to be remotely installed and gives the instructions for remote installation. This program can check the software installed in each host and the status and results of remote installation.
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft Corporation's relational database management system running on Windows NT. Microsoft SQL Server can be used as the relational database management system for JP1/Software Distribution information.
- multicast address
- The IP address of a multicast group. The address is specified when the sender and receivers for multicast distribution are set up.
- multicast distribution
- A method of job distribution that uses the IP multicast protocol to send packets to many specific clients from a higher system. Traffic is reduced because the higher system only needs to send the job packet to one multicast group location, regardless of the number of clients.
- multicast group
- A conceptual group to which jobs are distributed by multicast distribution. A multicast group has a specific IP address, known as the multicast address. When a higher system sends job packets to a multicast group, the packets are then distributed to each client within that group.
- multiple LAN connections
- A facility of JP1 for handling systems that consist of multiple local area networks (LANs).
- Using this function, you can preset the LAN to be used for JP1 transmission on hosts that are connected to multiple LANs. Because JP1 communications can be set up independently of the system and other applications, this function supports a wide range of networks and modes of operation.
- Hosts connected to multiple LANs may also be called multi-homed hosts or multiple Network Interface Card (NIC) hosts.
- JP1/Software Distribution supports the following multi-LAN environments:
- Environments separated into multiple networks
- Environments with duplex networks
- network configuration information file
- A CSV file that contains information, such as the IP and MAC addresses, and subnet mask, of the hosts that are connected to the network.
- network information
- Information used by Asset Information Manager Subset to manage the location of each device on a network. Network information includes items such as IP address, MAC address, node name, computer name, and so forth.
- offline folder
- A folder for managing inventory information and operation information that is obtained from an offline machine. The offline folder is indicated as {OFFLINE} in the System Configuration and Destination windows.
- offline installation
- Facility for installing software using an installation medium instead of via a network.
- offline machine
- A Windows client that has not been registered in JP1/Software Distribution's system configuration information, such as the following PCs:
- PC on which a stand-alone JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) has been installed
- PC in a network on which JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) has been installed but not registered in JP1/Software Distribution's system configuration information
- Inventory information and operation information can be obtained from offline machines. Software can be installed on offline machines.
- offline machine information
- Inventory information and operation information that is obtained from offline machines.
- operation history
- Information on the software and files manipulated at a client. The following types of operation logs can be collected:
- Start process
- Stop process
- Change caption
- Change active window
- Start/stop of machine
- Logons/logoffs
- File options
- Web access
- Print operations
- Operations to or from external media
- Device operations
- Operation Log List window
- When client operation information is collected by the managing server, this window is used to extract the software startup history, the print operations suppression history, and the software and file operation history under various conditions, and to view the extracted history.
- operation logs
- When the user operation logs stored in the database for the suppression history and operation history acquired by JP1/Software Distribution are checked in the Operation Log List window, the displayed information is referred to in general as operation logs.
- operation monitoring policy
- Conditions specified in order to monitor the software operation status. A policy sets software whose startup is to be suppressed and operations whose history is to be acquired.
- operations to or from external media
- A target to which operation monitoring is applied. Reading from or writing to media via a USB-connected storage device, internal CD/DVD drive, internal floppy disk drive, IEEE 1394-connection, or an internal SD card slot can be suppressed as an operation to or from external media. This can only be used with clients running versions between 08-51 and 09-00.
- Connection and disconnection (removal) information for these external media is also collected in external media operation logs. Note that logs are not collected on operations to or from internal floppy disk drives.
- package
- The unit in which software programs are remotely installed. Packages are stored in the cabinet of a managing server.
- Package Setup Manager
- A facility that enables clients to select and install desired software programs received from the managing server or relay systems. It can reject installation or change the installation directory.
- package type
- There are three package types, user programs and data, Hitachi program products, and other companies' software.
- Packager
- A program that registers into the managing server software that is to be remote-installed. It corresponds to the Packager of Windows JP1/Software Distribution system. This is a JP1/Software Distribution term for UNIX.
- packaging
- The process of using Packager to create packages of software programs.
- packet filtering method
- A method of building a firewall that limits the packets that can pass through the firewall. This method allows access from within the system to the outside but prohibits access into the system from the outside. This method can limit the number of terminals that are permitted to access the Internet.
- patch information file
- File that contains information for obtaining patches from a Microsoft server. This file is needed by JP1/Software Distribution in order to obtain patches. JP1/Software Distribution obtains the path information file by connecting to a Hitachi Web server. It is updated based on the provisioning status of patches supplied by Microsoft.
- patch information, unapplied
- Information about patches that have not been applied to the client. Of the scanning results of the mbsacli.exe MBSA command, JP1/Software Distribution treats the information for which the most recent patch was not found (information indicated as NOT Found in the scanning results) as unapplied patch information.
- policy
- Conditions for automatic assignment to a host group or ID group of a new host being added to the system configuration by a facility for automatic registration into the system configuration.
- RD area
- A logical area used by Embedded RDB for storing tables and indexes.
- recorder file
- A file that defines the procedure for installing software interactively using a dedicated installer. JP1/Software Distribution provides recorder files for some software programs distributed by other companies. The user can also create recorder files.
- relational database
- Database used for managing JP1/Software Distribution Manager's information. The supported relational databases are Embedded RDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.
- relay manager
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager positioned under the highest managing server (central manager) in a system where managing servers are configured hierarchically. A relay manager relays jobs such as remote installation and collection of inventory information between the managing server and clients.
- relay manager/system
- Collective name for programs that relay jobs such as remote installation and collection of inventory information between the managing server and clients.
- relay managing the ID
- A relay manager or relay system that manages ID group jobs and clients that belong to an ID group. When an ID group job is executed, the relay managing the ID saves the job in the local system and executes it for clients that are registered in the ID group.
- relay system
- JP1/Software Distribution Client that relays jobs such as remote installation and collection of inventory information between the managing server and clients.
- remote collection
- A facility for collecting files from clients to the managing server. Instructions are issued from the managing server.
- remote control
- A facility that executes client operations remotely from a managing server.
- Remote Control Agent
- A program executed on a remote PC that is controlled by remote operations from the Remote Control Manager.
- Remote Control Manager
- A program that issues remote control operations to the Remote Control Agent.
- Remote Desktop
- In this manual, the following functions are referred to as Remote Desktop:
- Remote Desktop for Administration or Remote Desktop in Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP
- Terminal Services in Windows 2000 Server
- remote installation
- A facility that transfers packaged software from a managing server to a client system and installs it in the client.
- Remote Installation Manager
- A program that provides the interactive (GUI) capability at a managing server.
- search pattern
- The search conditions used to search for operation logs in the Operation Log List window are saved as search patterns. The search patterns used for the main searching purposes are registered as defaults. You can also edit the default search patterns or register new search patterns.
- security PC
- A PC that has only the minimally necessary functions, and that is not equipped with any external storage devices, such as a hard disk and floppy disk. A security PC can connect to an agent and remotely control application software and files. You can use JP1/Software Distribution to remotely install the update data for a security PC.
- software information
- Information about software installed on hosts comprising a JP1/Software Distribution system. It is acquired by executing jobs from a managing server.
- software inventory dictionary
- A dictionary for specifying the software to be managed by JP1/Software Distribution. From the software obtained through a file search, you can select the software to be managed. You can also specify the license information needed for managing software licenses using Inventory Viewer.
- software search list
- A list that is used to acquire software information. There are two types of software search lists, the standard retrieve list, which is provided by JP1/Software Distribution, and the optional software list, which can be edited by the user.
- split distribution
- A method of reducing the load on the network by dividing a package into units of a user-specified size and transferring them at a user-specified interval (distribution interval). The user can specify the file split size at setup or job creation, or even at relay locations along the package transfer route. Split distribution is useful for distributing large packages.
- Structured Query Language, a language for relational databases.
- suppress history
- Shows the history of software startup and printing suppression executed on a client
- system information
- Information about the hardware of hosts comprising a JP1/Software Distribution system. It is acquired by executing jobs from a managing server.
- system monitoring
- A facility used by the client to monitor the status of specific hardware according to predefined conditions. During system monitoring, the status of a program being monitored is displayed on the System Conditions page of Local System Viewer. If an error occurs in the program being monitored, this event is reported to the user by displaying an alert message or changing the appearance of an icon. While the client is connected to its higher system, alerts can also be reported to the higher system.
- System Monitoring icon
- An icon displayed in the task bar notification area. The status of the system monitoring facility and the presence of alert messages can be identified by the icon's status (appearance). Double-clicking on the System Monitoring icon starts Local System Viewer.
- To display the System Monitoring icon, in the Client Setup dialog box, on the System Monitoring page, choose the Display the System Monitoring icon in the task bar notification area option.
- terminal server
- In this manual, the following servers are referred to as a terminal server:
- For Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2, servers on which Remote Desktop Session Host Role Service of Remote Desktop Services is installed
- For Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, servers on which Terminal Server Role Service of Terminal Services is installed
- For Windows 2000 Server, servers on which Terminal Services has been installed in Application Server Mode
- unarchiver
- A program that restores archived and compressed files to their original formats during remote collection.
- unicast distribution
- A method of job distribution in which packets are sent from a higher system to each client individually. Because the higher system has to send each job packet separately to each target client, the number of times a packet is sent increases proportionally to the number of clients in the system.
- user inventory information
- Information unique to a client (such as name and PC serial number). The managing server executes a job to obtain this information.
- user inventory item
- An entry item for user inventory information. The user inventory items created in the managing server are distributed to clients by executing jobs.
- Visual Test
- A program that supports debugging of programs that run in a Windows environment.
- Wake on LAN
- A standard for turning on a computer in a local area network (LAN) from another computer in the network.
- Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista version of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- A program needed in order to manage a computer running a Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista operating system as a client in a JP1/Software Distribution system. It can also be used as a relay system.
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