Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2
(1) Changes in version 09-50
- Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are now supported.
- If remote installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) is performed on a JP1/Software Distribution (relay system) in which Automatic Installation Tool is installed, all components other than Automatic Installation Tool are now updated.
- The user can now set as system information that password protection for screen saver information is to be acquired even if the screen saver is disabled.
- The following inventory information (system information) can now be collected:
- Encryption information set by BitLocker
- Drive (hard drive) encryption information set by HIBUN FDE
- Linux distribution
- Software information can now be collected for additional Microsoft Office products. In addition, greater detail about Microsoft Office products is now provided.
- Software information can now be collected for additional anti-virus products.
- Directory information about groups can now be acquired from Active Directory. In addition, the argument /d has been added to the command for acquiring directory information (dcmadsync.exe), which enables the user to delete directory information that has already been acquired.
- The operation status of virtual environments can now be monitored.
- Use of the devices listed below can now be suppressed. In addition, their connection history, disconnection history, connection permission logs, and connection suppression logs can now be acquired.
- Bluetooth devices
- Imaging devices
- If suppression exclusion conditions are set when access to USB media is suppressed, the following logs can now be acquired:
- Connection permission log
- Connection suppression log
- Writing can now be suppressed individually for the following devices, and their connection suppression logs can now be acquired:
- Internal CD/DVD drives
- Internal floppy disk drives
- IEEE 1394 connection devices
- Internal SD card readers
- Operation of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) is now supported in Windows XP Mode environments.
- The facilities for acquiring print logs and for suppressing printing can now be used when a shared network printer is being used in Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
- In the event that a USB media device for which operations have been suppressed is connected to a client PC, the corresponding JP1 event can now be reported as an alert.
- If one of the devices listed below is connected to a client PC when its use is suppressed, a message indicating that use of that device is suppressed can be displayed on the client PC. In addition, the corresponding JP1 event can be reported to JP1/IM as an alert.
- Internal CD/DVD drives
- Internal floppy disk drives
- IEEE 1394 connection devices
- Internal SD card readers
- Bluetooth devices
- Imaging devices
- If startup of a software program is suppressed, the corresponding JP1 event can be reported as an alert.
- If printing is suppressed, the corresponding JP1 event can be reported as an alert.
- Content on the following pages in the server setup process has been modified:
- Operation Monitoring page
- AIM page
- Operation monitoring history can now be stored using the data partitioning facility provided in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
- An explanation has been added about the relationship between directory information and system configuration information.
- By assigning divisions to users when inventory information is being managed with Asset Information Manager Subset, a single user can manage information about multiple groups.
- The minimum and recommended CPU performance specifications needed to run products and components of JP1/Software Distribution have been changed.
- An explanation has been added about the memory requirements on a managing server when Embedded RDB is used as the relational database.
- The formulas used to estimate the disk capacity needed for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases have been revised.
- If operation monitoring logs are set on the Report To Higher System page to be relayed to a higher system, the user can now select which information is sent to the higher system.
- The firewall data pass-through direction can now be changed when the port number and protocol are set to 30002/udp.
- The CPU type can now be acquired as system information.
- The sizes of the following columns in the netmdm_ospatch_patchinf relational database table have been changed:
- When Embedded RDB is used as the database, a maximum of 1,840 megabytes of patch data can now be stored in the netmdm_ospatch_patchinf relational database table.
- The maximum number of characters that can be used in a collection path name has been increased from 63 half-width characters to 256 half-width characters.
- Explanations have been added about the correspondences between the settings in the Windows and UNIX editions of JP1/Software Distribution.
- A checkbox labeled Do not repeat package IDs when collecting software information has been added to the client setup Job Options page to allow suppression of duplicate package IDs.
- The following explanation has been moved to the chapter on setting up JP1/Software Distribution Manager:
- Registry setting for displaying the OS name
- By specification of a registry setting, command processing can now be set to continue even after the user has logged off of Windows.
- By specification of the argument /LC in a command, command processing can now be set to continue even after the user has logged off of Windows.
- Unicode CSV files can now be output using the CSV output utility or the CSV output command (dcmcsvu.exe).
- During the client setup process, the user can now select on the Error Handling page whether to output messages to the event viewer.
- The following log files can now be output:
- The number of log entries has been changed by moving INVENTRY.LOG to the FUNC log.
- The argument /n has been added to the command (dcmmonrst.exe) that stores operating information in a database; this argument enables the user to check the status of a store process. A log file for checking the store process status has also been added (MONRST.LOG).
- The minimum size of the security update management file has been changed to 130 megabytes.
- When upgrading Embedded RDB, the user can now select whether to migrate patches acquired by the security update management facility.
- The command DPTInpt.exe (store patches in database) has been added, which enables the user to migrate patches acquired by the security update management facility.
- An explanation of possible corrective actions to take in order to handle delays in automatic notifications from the relay managing the ID has been added.
- The setting Manage device change log information has been added under Basic Information in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset. This setting allows the user to select whether to manage the initial change history of a device to be managed when the Delete change log task is performed.
- Login authentication can now be performed by linking Asset Information Manager Subset to Active Directory. In addition, Active Directory user information can now be acquired.
- The setting Targets for inventory has been added under Link with JP1/SD in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset. This setting allows the user to acquire inventory information from all devices, or only from devices with host IDs, or only from devices with system information.
- The setting CSC notification count has been added under Link with JP1/SD in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset. This setting allows the user to set the timing for reporting acquisition of JP1/Software Distribution inventory information to JP1/Client Security Control.
- The setting Inventory acquisition method has been added under Link with JP1/SD in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset. This setting allows the user to select Multithreading method as the method for acquiring inventory information.
- The setting Multiplex level for inventory has been added under Link with JP1/SD in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset. This setting allows the user to specify the multiplex level when inventory information is collected using the multithread method.
- Modification date of system configuration information and modification date of registry information can now be managed as asset information.
- Explanations have been added about upgrading the program version and migrating data in a cluster system environment.
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) is now supported for Citrix XenApp (public desktop) running on a terminal server.
- Explanations about starting and stopping the managing server have been added.
The following explanation has also been included:
System shutdown procedure when using Embedded RDB as the relational database.
- A facility has been added for backing up operation monitoring results. With this addition, the dmTRUtil.exe command can now be used to output a backup of the operation monitoring results to a CSV file.
- The following capabilities have been added for using device instance IDs to set exclusion conditions for suppressing connection of USB media:
- The device instance ID of a USB controller can be set as an exclusion condition.
- A comparison method can be selected for comparing device instance IDs against a specified condition character string.
- A note has been added in the Software Operation Information window stating that software operation history is not displayed for clients if more than 560,000 operation history entries have been stored.
- Explanations have been added about environment variables that cannot be set and other items that are not available when offline installation is performed.
- The dcmstdiv.exe command has been added to enable command-initiated entry of information about offline machines.
- The following items have been added as information that can be output to a CSV file by the CSV output utility or the dcmscvu command:
- Registry path (registry collection items template)
- Software indicator ID (Microsoft Office products template)
- Software indicator ID (anti-virus products template)
- Client configuration settings can now be changed when remote installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) is used.
- The following settings have been added for remote setup of clients:
- Host name or IP address
- Product type
- When the system is changed, inventory information is notified to Higher System
- If operation history on a client is lost, the corresponding JP1 event can now be reported as an alert.
- Descriptions have been added about system maintenance operations that need to be performed. In addition, explanations about the following items have been included:
- How to change the JP1/Software Distribution Manager settings in a cluster system environment
- Recommended intervals for performing various database maintenance operations
- Procedures for backing up and restoring the system
- WMI information can now be collected.
- Messages have been added for the following event IDs:
- 1081
- 1082
- 1083
- 1084
- 1085
- 1086
- 2021
- 11029
- 16031
- A JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) event log message is no longer output for event ID 7009.
- Messages with the following IDs have been added to the section about event log messages for which monitoring is recommended (including the causes and the corrective actions to be taken):
- The basic client log messages KDSF0055-W and KDSF0123-E have been added.
- The contents of the basic client log messages KDSF0010-I and KDSF0020-I have been changed.
(2) Changes in version 09-00
- The following information, which is displayed on the Attributes page in the System Configuration, Destination, and Directory information windows for Remote Installation Manager, is updated when a Set the software monitoring policy job is executed:
- Applied software operation monitoring policy
- Applied software operation monitoring policy version
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 can now be used as a relational database program.
- Additional anti-virus products can now be acquired as software information.
- Specific USB media can now be excluded from being suppressed. In addition, if USB media connected to a client PC is being suppressed, a message indicating that fact can now be displayed.
- When automatic storage of operation information is not being performed, the information can now be manually stored in a database by executing the dcmmonrst command with the /x argument specified.
- Hitachi bundle-named (name created from multiple products) products stored on Hitachi bundled-product CD-ROMs can now be packaged.
- Output of messages to the event log by Embedded RDB that are not required for operations can now be suppressed.
- Hosts can now be deleted from system configuration information by removing the host from the ID group.
- Remote Installation Manager of JP1/Software Distribution Manager can now be used to add a host group or a host from a file.
- The following items have been changed in the Server Setup dialog box of Asset Information Manager Subset.
- The minimum value that can be specified for the Communication-less monitoring time setting under Session Information has been changed to 5 minutes.
- The Status to display in device search windows setting has been added under Basic Information, allowing the user to choose the device statuses to display as Status search conditions in the Device Totals and Device List windows.
- If Scheduled Tasks is used to automatically obtain patches, the following functions can now be used:
- Deletion of security updates after packaging
- Non-downloading of packaged security updates
- The user name, host name, and IP address can now be specified as search conditions in the Batch Update window of Asset Information Manager Subset.
- The Text_Title (text for dialog box titles) item has been added to the Asset Information Manager Subset VariousInfo management class, allowing the user to change the title of operation windows.
- Information about the cause and handling of the 3000AF008300 maintenance code has been added to the event log message.
- Commands for backing up and restoring package files and operation history files have been added when Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle is being used as the relational database:
- netmfile_backup.bat
- netmfile_restore.bat
- The following inventory information items can now be acquired:
- Turn off hard disks (AC)
- Turn off hard disks (DC)
- System standby/Sleep (AC)
- System standby/Sleep (DC)
- System hibernates (AC)
- System hibernates (DC)
Additionally, operation examples of dealing with clients whose power-save setting is not configured and of shutting down clients have been added.
- The operation monitoring function can now be applied to offline machines through the use of media.
- The maximum size of the management file cache can now be specified during setup of relay systems, so that decreases in job processing throughput can be avoided, even if the number of jobs managed by the relay system increases.
- Re-installation is now performed automatically if the initial installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client fails. In addition, the location of the InstallShield environment deletion tool, which is executed if re-installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client fails, is now noted.
- Procedures have been added describing how to perform an overwrite installation or a re-installation of JP1/Software Distribution Manager in a cluster system.
- Job execution results are now recorded, regardless of the setting specified for the Record the results of ID group jobs during setup of the relay system, so that relay system ID group jobs can be re-executed by default.
- If Embedded RDB is used for the JP1/Software Distribution Manager database, the size of the operation table area can now be increased automatically.
- If Embedded RDB is used to create an Asset Information Manager Subset database, the size of the database can be expanded automatically.
- A CSV-format backup of Asset Information Manager Subset databases can now be obtained by executing jamdbexport.bat.
- An explanation has been added about jamemb_backup.bat, which is used to obtain backup files of Asset Information Manager Subset databases in an Embedded RDB environment.
- An explanation has been added about jamemb_reorganization.bat, which is used to re-organize Asset Information Manager Subset databases in an Embedded RDB environment.
- As an option for jamTakeOperationLog.bat, the group, user name, and location information can now be output to a CSV file when a search pattern is used to output all items in an operation log.
- Event log messages have been added for the following event IDs:
- 8060
- 8061
- 8064
- 8065
- 8066
- 8067
- 8068
- 8069
(3) Changes in version 08-51
- WUA 3.0 can now be used to acquire client patch information.
- Active Directory information can now be collected on managing servers, specified for job destinations, and viewed in Inventory Viewer.
- Asset Information Manager Subset can now be used to count inventory information items based on job purpose.
- Web access logs, and the logs of print operations and operations to and from external media, can now be acquired as software operation information. Also, printing and operations to and from external media can now be suppressed.
- When a computer that supports AMT is used as a client, the client's BIOS can now be controlled remotely. Also, a diagnostic program on a floppy disk in the managing server can now be used to perform checks on clients.
- Through the use of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, AMT Linkage can now be used for clients in a wireless LAN environment.
- Some JP1/Software Distribution Manager components can now be used on Windows Vista.
- Windows Server 2008 is now supported.
- Security-related items can now be acquired as system information.
- The following power management information can now be acquired as system information:
- Turn off monitor (AC)
- Turn off monitor (DC)
- Processor throttle (AC)
- Processor throttle (DC)
- Software information can now be acquired for additional anti-virus products. A description has also been added about the ability to determine the resident/nonresident status of various anti-virus products.
- Software information on Hitachi program products can now be acquired by using Search software listed in "Add/Remove Programs".
- Whether to save operation information reported to a central manager or relay manager from lower-level systems is now selectable. Whether or not to report operation information received by a relay manager from a lower-level system to a higher-level system can now be selected as well.
- Operation monitoring policies can now be output to a file. Operation monitoring policies can also now be added by importing these output files.
- Operation monitoring functions can now be used for clients running the 64-bit version of Windows Vista.
- File operation history can now be acquired from clients running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista.
- Network drives can now be used as directories for storing operation history and backups.
- Database Manager can now be used to create a database area for acquired patches. Windows Mail has also been added as a program type for which patches can be acquired.
- JP1/Software Distribution can now link to WSUS 3.0. When linked to a hierarchically-configured WSUS system, downstream WSUS servers can now be synchronized with the top-level WSUS server, and clients can now be registered to computer groups of downstream WSUS servers.
- Windows Remote Desktop operations are now supported.
- Software inventory information can now be managed under Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- The default, minimum, and maximum sizes of the Embedded RDB database area have been changed. The size of the Embedded RDB work table area can also now be specified with Database Manager.
- A formula for calculating the size of the operation monitoring logs has been added to the formulas for estimating the area required for the Embedded RDB database.
- A formula for calculating the size of the registry acquisition items has been added to the formulas for estimating the area required for the Microsoft SQL Server database.
- The Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista versions of JP1/Software Distribution Client can now be used for relay systems.
- The check box for displaying the Readme file when installation finishes has been removed.
- A description has been added about the log files in which the number of managed log generations and entries cannot be set.
- The following Embedded RDB commands now output return codes:
- netmdb_backup.bat
- netmdb_reload.bat
- netmdb_reorganization.bat
- netmdb_unload.bat
- A description of the backup procedure for Asset Information Manager Subset has been added.
- The date and time that software registered in Add/Remove Programs is installed can now be acquired along with other software information.
- When automatic host group maintenance is used to create a host group based on user inventory information, the maximum number of characters that can be used in the host group name has been changed to 32.
- The JOB_DESTINATION_ID tag used by the command parameter file can now be used to specify a relay managing the ID on which to execute the job.
- A command can now be used to acquire information about problems that occur in JP1/Software Distribution.
- Event log messages assigned the following event IDs have been added:
- 11026
- 11027
- 11028
- 16029
- 16030
Also, it is now recommended to monitor for event ID 16030 event log messages.
(4) Changes in version 08-10
- Functionality has been added to enable management of users of JP1/Software Distribution when linked to JP1/Base.
- The following functionalities can now be used when computers that support AMT are used as clients:
- Control of clients that use the AMT power control feature
- Storing of host IDs in nonvolatile memory provided by AMT
- Software operation time at clients can now be acquired by the function for monitoring software operation status. In addition, a function has been added that totals the acquired operation times in the Software Operation Status window.
- Operation logs can now be traced by using the File Operation Trace window.
- A function has been added that obtains security updates, service packs, and other patches provided by Microsoft.
- A function has been added that provides HTML message notifications to clients.
- Operation logs can now be totaled by group using the Operation Log Total window.
- Support for Windows Vista has been added in the following program product:
- JP1/Software Distribution Client
- Anti-virus products for which software information can be acquired have been added.
- Version and generation numbers have been added to operation monitoring policies, to make it easier to understand which operation monitoring policy is being applied.
- Text-format files that contain policy information for automatic maintenance of host groups and ID groups can now be imported and exported.
- A user inventory item has been added as a policy type for automatic maintenance of ID groups.
- The description of the number of clients that can be connected directly to a relay system has been modified.
- The data types of some database items in Embedded RDB have been changed, and the size of the database that is created has been reduced.
- The descriptions of the formulas for estimating database size have been improved by clarifying the items targeted by the calculations.
- Functionality has been added so that clients using the host name as the ID key for operations and which are unable to resolve the name of the connection-target higher system through normal means can perform name resolution and connect to the higher system based on the IP address received in the execution request information.
- A function has been added for output of JP1/Software Distribution's operation as audit logs.
- The method of setting up Asset Information Manager Subset and creating a database has been changed.
- A setting has been added to disable display of dialogs while JP1/Software Distribution Client is being installed remotely.
- An additional facility has been added as a JP1/Software Distribution Client component.
- The function that detects hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed can now detect hosts in a VPN environment with routers that do not support SNMP in the search path.
- The apostrophe (') can now be entered in text-entry user inventory items.
- The basic log message at the client (KDSF0096-W) has been changed.
- A program product ID file can now be created from the Package Information tool when an AIT file is created.
- The following messages about editing AIT files have been added: AITG123-E, AITG124-E, AITG125-E
(5) Changes in version 08-00
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is now supported as a relational database program.
- Embedded RDB is supported as the standard relational database provided by JP1/Software Distribution Manager. Basic databases are no longer supported.
- In the Find dialog box, hosts can now be searched by using the host name or IP address as the key value.
- The automatic host group maintenance facility enables hosts to be grouped by the client's OS sub-version.
- The software operation monitoring facility enables the user to select whether or not startup of specified software and path is to be permitted. It also enables the user to select whether or not startup of all software other than specified items is to be permitted.
- The software operation monitoring facility can acquire a file manipulation log.
- Client operation information can now be viewed in the Operation Log List window.
- WUA can be used to acquire information on installed patches.
- Anti-virus products that can be acquired as software information have been added.
- The Add Destination, Add Package, and Save Job dialog boxes can now be resized.
- The maximum number of user inventory items that can be selected has been changed from 255 items to a total size of 51,254 bytes. For hierarchized user inventory items, a maximum size of 102,509 bytes, including the higher items, has been added.
- In split package distribution, the status of execution from relay system to lower system can now be checked at the higher system.
- Polling has been added as a timing for automatically changing a client's connection destination.
- A function for setting client security management has been added for use when JP1/Client Security Control is linked.
- The JP1/Software Distribution management facility and the client installation facility are no longer supported for Web browsers.
- The differing-components distribution facility is no longer supported.
- WUA can be used to acquire information on uninstalled patches.
- WSUS can be linked to manage security updates.
- Windows Server 2003 (x64) is now supported.
- Parentheses (( and )) are now permitted in installation and work directory names.
- The system configuration information can be searched for duplicate hosts and the hosts with the older update dates/times can be deleted.
- An option for delaying a client's polling start time has been added.
- A description of Embedded RDB settings in a firewall environment has been added.
- CPU types have been added to the system information that can be acquired.
- The user can now select whether or not to use the standard retrieve list when software information is acquired.
- When a package is distributed to a UNIX client and an external program is started, the external program's termination code can now be referenced by the server.
- JP1/Software Distribution can now install security update data on the security PC.
- Additional anti-virus products for which information can be acquired have been added.
- Descriptions of environment variables that can be specified in Skip directory on the Options page and in File name by full path on the Collect File page of the Create Job dialog box have been added.
- Name of a hotfix whose format is changed when it is displayed as software information by Remote Installation Manager has been added.
- Contents of client's basic log messages KDSF0060-I and KDSF0090-I have been changed.
- KDSF0097-I, KDSF0098-W, and KDSF0099-E have been added to client's basic log messages.
- In Remote Installation Manager's Job Status window, a folder is now created to store the Report message job executed from JP1/Client Security Control.
- During host search, the user can now select whether or not host names are to be acquired. The user can also select the range of host information to be acquired.
- Inventory information for Microsoft Office products and anti-virus products can now be acquired from offline machines.
- A description of how to make a backup of suppress history and operation history has been added.
- Event log message with event ID 19003 has been added.
- System security measures can now be enhanced by linking to JP1/Client Security Control.
(6) Changes in version 07-50
- The Get software information from client job now provides capability to acquire information about patches that have not been installed on a computer. This also allows Remote Installation Manager to display information on patches that have not been installed on a computer.
An event log message maintenance code (3000EF300000) has also been added.
- Capabilities to monitor the operating status of client software, suppress startup of software, and obtain the operation history of software are now provided. Remote Installation Manager can now also display suppression logs and operation logs.
Event IDs 16016 and 16020 messages have also been added.
- An administrator can now send messages to clients.
- Notification of event information that has been updated on a client can now be reported automatically to the higher system.
- A facility for automatic maintenance of ID groups has been added, which provides capability to register automatically new clients added to an ID group by setting a policy for that ID group.
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager Embedded RDB Edition has been added.
- Capability to search hosts that exist on a network and to detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed is now provided.
- Information that enables JP1/Asset Information Manager to monitor updating of inventory information has been added to several tables in the database.
- Causes and actions to take for event log messages that recommend monitoring have been added.
- Client's basic log message KDSF0103-I has been added.
- Contents of client's basic log messages KDSF0060-I and KDSF0092-E have been changed.
- AIT files provided by JP1/Software Distribution have been added.
- Capability to install software on a PC on which JP1/Software Distribution Client is installed without using a network has been added.
- Because an installation set can now be used to overwrite a previous installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client, the overwrite installation item has been deleted from the table that indicates differences between using an installation set and installing from a Web browser.
Descriptions of the use of an installation set when performing an overwrite installation have also been added to the procedure for configuring JP1/Software Distribution Client setup information.
- Hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed (hosts without JP1/Software Distribution installed) can now be detected by reading a CSV file containing information about the hosts in the network.
- CPU types have been added as system information that can be acquired.
- A description of operating JP1/Software Distribution in the terminal service environment has been added.
- Support has been added for running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, as a cluster system OS for JP1/Software Distribution.
- The Get software information from client job now provides capability to acquire information about patches that have been installed on a computer. The acquired patch information can also be displayed by Remote Installation Manager and Package Setup Manager.
- Anti-virus products have been added as system information that can be acquired.
- When user inventory items are being created, the only characters that cannot be used in a comment field now are the semicolon (;) and percent sign (%).
- When a Transfer user inventory schema to client job is being created, whether or not to allow the user to cancel user inventory items in the dialog box and for the client to specify an action after the user inventory has been set has been added.
- Acquired Microsoft Office product and anti-virus product information can now be output to a CSV-format file.
- Notes about creating and using AIT files have been added.
- Capability to distribute software and check distribution status from operation windows of JP1/Asset Information Manager has been added.
- JP1/Software Distribution Client can no longer be installed on PCs on which Client Installation by Web and the Startup Kit Support Tool are installed.
- JP1/Software Distribution SubManager can now be used by a user logged on without administrator permissions to perform remote installation.
- If an error occurs while an overwrite installation is being performed, information on the previously installed package can now be retained.
- By setting a priority for use of network adapters, a client's IP address can now be reported to the higher system.
- Host inventory information not included in the system configuration can now be deleted.
- Windows Installer has been added to system information to maintain Windows Installer version information. Windows Installer can now be counted in Inventory Viewer as well.
- Registered tools can now be started from Remote Installation Manager.
- Silent installation of programs can now be performed using Windows Installer.
- For the UNIX version of JP1/Software Distribution Client 07-50 and later, whether or not to restart the client machine automatically after a package has been installed can now be specified.
- When in the Job Definition window a job selected with the F5 key is executed, a confirmation dialog box is now displayed.
- The method for acquiring the CPU clock speed has been changed.
- Microsoft Office products have been added as software information that can be acquired.
- OS language can now be counted in Inventory Viewer.
- The following commands can now be executed from JP1/Software Distribution SubManager:
dcmcoll.exe, dcminst.exe, dcmjbrm.exe, dcmjexe.exe, dcmpkrm.exe, dcmrmgen.exe, dcmrtry.exe, dcmstat.exe, dcmstsw.exe
- The causes and actions to take for event log messages of maintenance codes 300097140000 and 30009F070000 have been changed.
- A section has been added that describes the functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution SubManager.
- An AIT file for distributing Windows Installer modules has been provided.
(7) Changes in version 07-00
- Windows 95 is no longer supported by JP1/Software Distribution Client. However, because JP1/Software Distribution Client versions earlier than 07-00 can connect to a higher system of version 07-00, explanations for Windows 95 were added to the manual.
- For a Get software information from client job, Search for Microsoft Office products and Search for anti-virus products were added to the Software to be searched option. Also, the number of hosts can now be counted for each product name, virus-definition file version, and residency setting of anti-virus products.
- AIT files, which are script files used to send responses to a software installer automatically, are supported. If an AIT file is packaged and remote-installed together with software, the software can be installed automatically.
- Extraction and packaging of differing-components is no longer supported by JP1/Software Distribution versions 07-00 or later (differing-components packages created with JP1/Software Distribution versions earlier than 07-00 can still be used).
- Client information can now be checked using Local System Viewer.
- Client systems can be monitored and alerts can be sent to the local PC or higher system in the event of errors.
- Alerts reported from clients can be checked at the higher system using alert information files, Event Viewer, and JP1/IM.
- The default values for client setup were changed.
- The Remote Installation Client and Remote Installation Logon Manager icons are no longer created in the Windows Startup group.
- The user can now choose to create the Software Distribution Client Setup folder.
- When the connection destination is undetermined, JP1/Software Distribution Client can be run by specifying ?.
- The following features were added regarding job suspension and restart:
- A relay manager can be specified as the destination of Suspend file transfer and Resume file transfer jobs.
- Remote Installation Manager of JP1/Software Distribution Manager can suspend and restart file transfer between the local system and its lower systems.
- Jobs can be suspended and restarted between lower systems in UNIX versions.
- The dcmsusp command was added to suspend and restart file transfer.
- On the Job Distribution Attributes page, the user can specify whether or not to distribute jobs even if file transfer is currently suspended.
- Even if the client is not resident, a client user who logs on with non-Administrator user permissions can now install packages that could not be installed previously.
- A procedure was added for upgrading a relational database at the same time that JP1/Software Distribution was upgraded to Version 7i.
- When a version is not set in the software search list and acquisition of version information from the version resource for a specified file fails, 0000 is set as the version.
- During a search using a software search list, a file whose size is 0 bytes can now be searched.
- The detailed information about a destination can be displayed by starting Event Viewer from the Job Status window.
- When the Count Clients facility is executed from the System Configuration or Destination window, the selection status of hosts and host groups is also applied to the host selection window of Inventory Viewer. Additionally, the Count Clients facility can now be executed by specifying a template from the System Configuration or Destination window.
- The user can now specify a desired font in the Software Distribution Manager Unarchiver window (or Software Distribution SubManager Unarchiver window), JP1/Software Distribution Packager window, and Package Setup Manager window.
- The Suspend file transfer and Resume file transfer job types were added to enable file transfer to be suspended and restarted between a relay system and its lower systems.
- Remote startup and shutdown by the Client Control facility were implemented without having to place one or more relay managers or relay systems per router.
- JP1/Software Distribution can now establish connection even when another application has already established dial-up connection with the same destination.
- The maneuverability of the installer was improved.
- System configuration information can be used to manage the history of host deletions. Because of this change, the formula for determining the database size was also changed.
- The Error Handling page was added to the Server Setup dialog box to specify the number of generations of log files to be saved, the maximum number of entries, and the type of Event Viewer messages.
- The cause of the Client not started job execution status can be broken down.
- In the relay manager setup, the Relay System Customization page was changed to the Report To Higher System page.
- In the relay system setup, the Report To Higher System page was added, and the description of the Send the result file to the server option was moved from the Relay System Customization page to the Report To Higher System page.
- The client computer can be restarted automatically after package installation. Also, the client setup includes an option to specify whether or not to allow restart of the client computer.
- Display of a processing message during package installation can be specified for a package.
- A file was added to output a basic log related to client actions (USER_CLT.LOG).
- A facility was added to enable software to be deleted from the software inventory and to use the deleted software management table to manage deleted software. Because of this change, the formula for determining the database size was also changed.
- Partial match search is supported when host names are searched from the System Configuration window.
- In the Find dialog box, the search item The hosts that have not had inventory updated within a certain period was added to the Find by Dates page.
- Even when a package with installation date/time specified is distributed in a UNIX client, an external program can now be started immediately after installation.
- An option was added to support customization of default values in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box and the Create Job dialog box dialog box.
- Packager and Remote Installation Manager can be used to check the detailed attributes of stored packages.
- For the following items among the system information that can be obtained, a supplementary explanation was provided:
Name of OS family, drive capacity, free space, partition size, file system, logon user name, full name of user, user description
- IE Patch and BIOS version (SMBIOS) were added to the system information that can be acquired. Because of this change, the items that can be output to a CSV file were supplemented.
- A description was added regarding the handling when multiple Remote Installation Managers attempt to edit registry collection items and user inventory items at the same time.
- Hold was added as a software inventory management status. Also, detailed condition settings were supported to display only specific software in the Filter Software Inventory dialog box.
- For counting by Inventory Viewer, ranges that support combined conditions were increased.
- Hosts can be counted for each IE patch, BIOS manufacturer, and BIOS version (SMBIOS).
- Restart specification and Display processing message were added to the items that can be output to CSV files using the Package attributes template.
- Restart specification and Display processing message were added in the Package window to the items that can be printed.
- Previously, the client was unable to install some packages when the user was logged on to Windows NT with the non-Administrator user permissions, but the client can now install the packages if the client is in the running status.
- The dcmstsw.exe command was added to monitor job execution status.
- The dcmdice.exe command was added to save software inventory information to a CSV file. The dcmdici.exe command was also added to import software information from CSV file to the software inventory.
- reboot and processing_dialog of the OPTION tag were added as parameters that can be specified in the parameter file for the dcmpack.exe command. Because of this change, specifiable arguments were added.
- JOB_SCHEDULE and JOB_DESTINATION_ID were added as tabs that can be specified in the parameter file for the dcmcoll.exe command. Because of this change, specifiable arguments were added.
- Event log messages related to import and export of user inventory items and commands were added.
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