Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


5.2.1 Maintenance of Embedded RDB databases

This subsection describes the database maintenance procedures required when an Embedded RDB database is used. For details about backing up a database and restoring a database from a backup, see 5.3 Backing up and restoring the system.

You use Database Manager to maintain a database. For details about how to start Database Manager, see 7.4 How to use Database Manager (for Embedded RDB) in the manual Setup Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Upgrading the database
(2) Reorganizing the database
(3) Changing the password
(4) Deleting unneeded inventory information

(1) Upgrading the database

You must use Database Manager to upgrade the database in the following cases:

For details about how to upgrade a database, see 7.4.3 Upgrading the database in the manual Setup Guide.

We recommend that you make a backup of your relational database before you upgrade it. For details about making a backup, see 5.3 Backing up and restoring the system.

(2) Reorganizing the database

(a) Determining the database's area usage rate

In an Embedded RDB, an area from which records have been deleted becomes unusable. As the size of the unusable area in the database increases, the database area usage rate might become poor.

When the database area usage rate reaches 80%, you should reorganize the database to make the unusable area usable again.

You can reorganize databases by using Database Manager or by using commands. For details about each method, see 7.4.6 Reorganizing the database in the manual Setup Guide.

If a message indicating a shortage of database capacity is displayed even after the database has been reorganized, you must extend the database's capacity. Increase the size of database area file as instructed in Upgrade database.

You can determine the database's area usage rate (whether or not it has reached 80%) by checking the following messages in the event log:

For details about the messages, see the manual HiRDB Version 8 Messages. The following table shows the correspondence among the RDAREA name displayed in a message, the range of database reorganization, and the database area files to be extended.

Table 5-1 Correspondence among RDAREA name displayed in message, range of database reorganization, and database area files to be extended

RDAREA name in message#1 Range of reorganization#2 Database area files to be extended#3
NETMDM_NETM_TABLES All Resident table files
Job Job-related binary object files
Package or inventory Asset information-related binary object files
NETMDM_NETM_MONITORING Operation monitoring history Software operation monitoring log files
Security update Security program management files
All Temporary table files

The NETMDM part in an RDAREA name represents the administrator user ID. You will have specified the administrator user ID in the Database Settings Settings dialog box during installation.

Setting for reorganizing the database.

Setting for upgrading the database when a shortage of capacity is not improved by reorganization.

n indicates a number from 1 to 5.

To check the database usage status after the database has been reorganized, you must obtain the sizes of the available RDAREAs, the sizes of the RDAREAs that are in use, and the sizes of the empty RDAREAs. The user who performs the following steps must have administrator permissions.

To obtain each of these RDAREA sizes:

  1. Start the command prompt.
  2. Execute the pdntcmd.bat command that is stored in JP1/Software-Distribution-Manager-installation-directory\NETMDB\BIN.
  3. Use a command to execute set pduser=administrator-user-ID/password.
  4. Use a command to execute pddbst -r RDAREA-name -k logi -d.
    For the names of the RDAREAs to be specified, see Table 5-1.
    The number of segments, segment size, unused segments, and size of one page are displayed. The following shows an example:
    Total Segment : 2624 Segment Size : 20 Pages
    Unused Segment: 2563 Page Size : 4096 Bytes
  5. Obtain the size of the RDAREA from the displayed information.
    The following shows the formula for obtaining each value:
    Size of available RDAREA (bytes) =
    Total Segments x Segment Size x Page Size
    Size of RDAREA in use (bytes) =
    (Total Segments - Unused Segments) x Segment Size x Page Size
    Size of empty RDAREA (bytes) =
    Unused Segments x Segment Size x Page Size

To check the usage status of the entire database, repeat steps 4 and 5 for each applicable RDAREA name shown in Table 5-1.

Also, we recommend that you back up the relational database before reorganizing it. For details about the backup, see 5.3 Backing up and restoring the system.

(b) Estimating the space required for database area files when reorganizing the database

To prevent an error because of insufficient disk space while you are reorganizing the database, we recommend that you estimate the space required for the database area files before reorganizing the database. The following procedure shows how to estimate the required space for each database area file:

  1. Start the command prompt.
  2. Execute the pdntcmd.bat command that is stored in JP1/Software-Distribution-Manager-installation-directory\NETMDB\BIN.
  3. Use a command to execute set pduser=administrator-user-ID/password.
  4. Use a command to execute pdfstatfs path for the database area. Specify a file path you specified during the creation of the database for path-for-the database area in the Detailed Settings of Database dialog box.
    Figure 7-8 Detailed Settings of Database dialog box
    For details of the Detailed Settings of Database dialog box, see the Figure 7-8 Detailed Settings of Database dialog box in 7.4.1 Creating a new database in the manual Setup Guide.

The following information is displayed:

Total space used by the database area files assigned to a user

Free space for the database area files

The following shows a sample of the command output:

user area capacity 246756[kB]
remain user area capacity 1508[kB]

The above sample shows 1,508 KB of free space out of a total capacity of 246,756 KB available for the database area files assigned to a user.

The following shows the free space required for reorganizing the database for each type of database file:

  1. Resident table file (bytes) = 102400
  2. Index file (bytes) = 102400
  3. Job-related binary object file (bytes) = 102400 + [ 2 x size-of-largest-installation-script-file-in-remote-installation-job] + size-of-largest-search-list-in-software-search-list#
    + size-of-largest-message-in-report-message-job
  4. Asset information-related binary object file (bytes) = 102400 + [ 3 x Total of the largest selected items in the user inventory item lists] + Size for the largest package among packages
    + Size for the largest installation script in packages
  5. Software operation monitoring log file (bytes) = 102400
  6. Security update management file = sum-of-sizes-of-largest-saved-patch-data-and-script-file
  7. Temporary table file (bytes) = 102400

#If you have not created any optional software lists, replace this with 12000. If you have, estimate the approximate size required for the optional software list based on the number of and size of the files registered in the standard software list.

(3) Changing the password

We recommend that you use Database Manager to periodically change the database password.

For details about how to change the database password, see 7.4.7 Changing the database password in the manual Setup Guide.

(4) Deleting unneeded inventory information

When a host is deleted, its inventory information may remain in the database. This can occur when a file is used to update system configuration information. Such inventory information wastes available database space because it will not be used in JP1/Software Distribution.

You can delete such unneeded inventory information from Database Manager in the batch mode. For details about how to delete unneeded inventory information, see 7.4.8 Deleting unneeded inventory information from the database in the manual Setup Guide.

Unneeded inventory information results in the following cases:

If you have deleted many hosts, a large amount of unneeded inventory information might remain in the system. In such a case, we recommend that you delete the unneeded inventory information.

You can use Database Manager to delete inventory information for hosts that are not in the system configuration, as shown in the following table.

Table 5-2 Inventory information that is deleted

Classification Inventory item
System information System information
Registry information
Software information Installed package information
Software inventory information
Anti-virus product information
Microsoft Office product information
User inventory information User inventory information