Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


4.23 dcmsusp.exe (suspending and resuming a file transfer)

This section explains the dcmsusp command that suspends or resumes the transfer of a file. You can execute this command on the managing server for JP1/Software Distribution Manager.

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Format
(3) Arguments
(4) Parameters in a parameter file and corresponding command arguments
(5) Return codes
(6) Notes

(1) Function

This command connects to the managing server running on a local host, and suspends and resumes file transfer between a specified relay system and a system below it. This command also suspends and resumes file transfer between the connection-destination managing server and a system below it.

(2) Format

dcmsusp.exe [processing-key] [/s] /i parameter-file1
            [parameter-file2] [/o result-output-filename] [/LC {ON|OFF}]

(3) Arguments

(4) Parameters in a parameter file and corresponding command arguments

You can also use command arguments to specify the template used for exporting and output file format instead of specifying these parameters in a parameter file. The table below shows the correspondence between the contents of a parameter file and the command arguments.

Table 4-21 Correspondence between parameter file contents and arguments (dcmsusp command)

Parameter file specification contents Description Specification Command argument
Tag Parameter
JOB_ATTRIBUTE job_generator Job name O#1 /j value
jobno Job number X --
job_folder Job folder path O /l value
unsuspended Whether a distribution being suspended exists X --
JOB_DESTINATION group Group R#2 /g value
host_name Host name R#2 /h value
lower_clients Whether there is any specified destination X --
JOB_DESTINATION_ID destination_id Destination ID R#2 /X value
JOB_SCHEDULE job_entry_date Job registration date/time O /jst value
job_execution_date Job execution date/time O /jsx value
job_expiration_date Job expiration date O /jsp value

R: required.
O: optional.
X: not required (ignored if specified).
--: Cannot be specified in a command argument.

If you omit job_generator or /j, processing-key+job-execution-date-and-time is automatically set as the job name. If you execute multiple commands with the same processing key, job names may be duplicated and jobs may not be executed correctly. If you execute multiple commands with the same processing key, Hitachi recommends that you specify different job names using job_generator or /j.

Either JOB_DESTINATION (/g and /h) or JOB_DESTINATION_ID (/X) must be specified, but the two cannot be specified together. For JOB_DESTINATION, you can specify either group or host_name (/g and /h), or you can specify both arguments together.

(5) Return codes

The following explains the return codes that the dcmsusp command may return:

Code Meaning Action
0 The managing server started a job, or the suspended state of the managing server itself was changed. None.
1 Unable to open parameter file, or invalid file format. Check the parameter file specification or coding format.
2 Invalid value in command argument or parameter file. Check the settings for the command argument or parameter file.
3 Error during connection to the managing server. Check the version of the managing server.
4 Unable to open result output file. Check the result output file specification.
5 Communication failure between client and managing server. Check the communication environment settings for the setup for the managing server.
12 Other errors occurred. Check the event log.
Possible causes of error include a system error, invalid command argument syntax, or denied processing due to specification of a value not defined in connection-destination managing server.

If JP1/Base is linked to manage JP1/Software Distribution users, see 1.3.3 Setting for executing commands.

(6) Notes

Note the following items when specifying either host_name for the JOB_DESTINATION tag or the command argument /h:

Note the following when you specify job_folder or the /l argument for the JOB_ATTRIBUTE tag: