Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2
The JOB_SCHEDULE tag specifies the job schedule: registration date and time, execution date and time, and execution time limit. This tag can be used in the following commands: dcmcoll, dcminst, dcmjexe, and dcmsusp.
The following shows specifiable parameters and the correspondence between parameters and command arguments:
- Organization of this subsection
- (1) Format
- (2) Explanation
- (3) Notes
(1) Format
(2) Explanation
- job_entry_date=job-registration-date-and-time
Specify the job registration date and time in the YYMMDDhh:mm format.
Last two digits of the year (00 to 36, 70 to 99)
MM: Month (01 to 12)
DD: Day (01 to 31)
hh: Hours (00 to 23)
mm: Minutes (00 to 59)
If you omit this parameter, the command execution date and time are assumed as the job execution date and time.
- job_execution_date=job-execution-date-and-time
Specify the job execution date and time in the YYMMDDhh:mm format.
The format of the job execution date and time is the same as job_entry_date.
The default is immediate execution of the job. This parameter can be omitted only if both job_entry_date and job_expiration_date are also omitted.
- job_expiration_date=job-execution-time-limit
Specify the job execution time limit in the YYMMDDhh:mm format.
The format of the job execution time limit is the same as job_entry_date.
The default is unlimited job execution time.
- The job_execution_date, job_entry_date, and job_expiration_date specification values result in an error if they do not satisfy the following conditions:
- If you specify the job registration date and time, execution date and time, or execution time limit, the job definition is stored on the server. If you delete the stored job definition before a job is created (before the specified registration date and time), the job can no longer be created.
- If you specify the job registration date and time, execution date and time, or execution time limit, but specify a nonexistent destination, host group, or ID group, the command terminates normally, but the job is not executed.
- The following shows the meanings of the last two digits of the year:
70 to 99: 1970 to 1999
00 to 36: 2000 to 2036
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