Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


Appendix A.2 Estimating hardware requirements

This section explains the CPU performance and memory requirements for operating each component of the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client. The section also explains the required disk space for each component.

Organization of this subsection
(1) CPU performance
(2) Memory requirements
(3) Disk space requirement

(1) CPU performance

The following table shows the CPU performance that is required to operate each component of the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client.

Table A-1 CPU performance required by each component

Component CPU performance
Client 300 MHz or faster (1 GHz or faster is recommended)
Remote Control Agent

(2) Memory requirements

The following table shows the memory requirement for each component of the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client.

Table A-2 Required memory for each component

Component Memory requirement (MB)
Client 13 or greater
Packager 10 or greater
Remote Control Agent 8 + a + b + c + d + e or greater#

a: Temporary buffer for drawing (5 MB for the standard application)
b: Temporary buffer during file transfer (2 MB)
c: Connection buffer (1 MB [Figure] number of connection controllers)
d: Buffer for chat server (2 + (0.1 [Figure] number of connections) MB)
e: Buffer for chat client (2 + (0.2 [Figure] number of connections) MB)

(3) Disk space requirement

The following table shows the disk space requirement for each component of the Windows 8/2012/7/2008/Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client.

Table A-3 Disk space requirement for each component

Component Disk space (megabytes)
Client Client 16
Added functionality 3
Package Setup Manager 2
Packager 6
Remote Control Agent 10
Online Help 6
Common area used by JP1/Software Distribution Client 8