Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


4.7 dcmdici.exe (importing a software inventory dictionary)

This section explains the dcmdici command that imports software inventory dictionaries. You can execute this command on the managing server of JP1/Software Distribution Manager. This command does not use a parameter file.

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Format
(3) Arguments
(4) Return codes
(5) Notes
(6) Examples

(1) Function

This command connects to the managing server running on a local host, and imports software information coded in a CSV-formatted file into a software inventory dictionary. The CSV-formatted file that was output using the dcmdice command can be edited using spreadsheet software and imported into a software inventory dictionary by using the dcmdici command.

The CSV-formatted file to be imported must contain the types of information shown in the table below in the indicated order. The software to be imported is identified in terms of the following key items: filename, file size, and update date/time. If the information identified in the key items is modified, the importation process treats the associated software as a separate software title.

Table 4-9 Values that can be specified in a CSV-formatted file

Item Specifiable value Required
Management flag I, E, U, H, D, or F
The management flags have the following meanings:
  • I
    New software
  • E
    Managed software
  • U
    Unmanaged software
  • H
    Held software
  • D
    Software that is registered in the deleted software management table
  • F
    The software to be deleted from the deleted software management table
Software name Character string with 50 characters or less --
Software version Character string with 50 characters or less --
Company name Character string with 50 characters or less --
Language The last 4 digits of the Windows locale identifier (LCID). However, if a language associated with the LCID specified in the Filter Software Inventory dialog box does not exist, the language is indicated as Neutral. Specifying the value 0400 causes the language to be identified as Specified language in the Filter Software Inventory dialog box. --
Pathname Character string with 255 characters or less.
If the software is already registered in the software inventory dictionary, importing it by changing the path name of the CSV-formatted file does not change the path name for the software inventory dictionary.
Filename Character string with 255 characters or less. R
File version Character string with 50 characters or less. --
File size An integer greater than or equal to 0, in units of bytes. R
Update date/time Year, month, day, hour, minute, and second in the YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format. The allowable range of dates and time values is 1970/01/01 00:00:00 to 2037/12/31 23:59:59. R
Search date/time Year, month, day, hour, minute, and second in the YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format. The allowable range of dates and time values is 1970/01/01 00:00:00 to 2037/12/31 23:59:59.
If the software is already registered in the software inventory dictionary, changing the search date/time in the CSV-formatted file does not change the search date/time for the software inventory dictionary.
Description Character string with 50 characters or less --
Number of owned licenses An integer from 0 to 99,999,999. --
Number of license warnings An integer from 0 to 99,999,999.
If this value is greater than the number of owned licenses, an error may result.
Update date/time (UTC) Year, month, date, hour, minute, and second in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss. The allowable range of date/time values is 1970/01/01 00:00:00 to 2037/12/31 23:59:59. It is specified in local time. The time specified here is converted to UTC time before being imported. --

R: required.
--: optional.

How software information is processed during the importation process varies depending on the registration status of the software in the software inventory dictionary before it is imported and the management flag associated with the software information to be imported. The table below shows the types of import processing performed.

Table 4-10 Import processing

Before-importation registration status Management flag for the software to be imported Import-time processing
Registered in the deleted software management table I, E, U, H, D Ignored.
F Deleted from the deleted software management table.
Registered in the software inventory dictionary I, E, U, H Imported into the software inventory dictionary, and the software is updated if there is any changed information.
D The software is deleted from the software inventory dictionary only if the software was unmanaged software before it was imported, and it is registered in the deleted software management table. The software is also deleted from the software inventory information maintained on the hosts.
If the value /f is specified in the argument, the same processing is performed on software that has any management flag.
F Ignored.
Registered in neither the deleted software management table nor in the software inventory dictionary. I, E, U, H Added to the software inventory dictionary.
D Ignored.
If the value /f is specified in the argument, the software is added to the deleted software management table.
F Ignored.

(2) Format

dcmdici.exe /if input-filename [/f]
           [/df output-filename1] [/nf output-filename2]
           [/LC {ON|OFF}]

(3) Arguments

(4) Return codes

The following explains the return codes that the dcmdici command may return:

Code Meaning Action
0 Either import was successful, or there was no change in the software inventory dictionary or in the deleted software management table. None.
2 An invalid value is specified in a command argument. Check the values of command arguments.
3 An error occurred when the command attempted to connect or access the managing server. Check the version of the managing server.
4 The input or output file cannot be opened. Check the input or output file specification.
12 Other errors occurred. Check the event log. Possible causes of error include: a system error, and processing denied.
15 Another process is updating the database. Wait a while and then retry. Alternatively, check the process that is conducting the updating.

If JP1/Base is linked to manage JP1/Software Distribution users, see 1.3.3 Setting for executing commands.

(5) Notes

When you import a software inventory dictionary, perform the import in the same time zone as the managing server on which you exported the software inventory dictionary. If the import is performed in a different time zone from the one in which the export was performed, the acquired update date/time of the import will be incorrect, and you will not be able to manage the software information correctly.

(6) Examples