Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


4.26.20 SYSTEM_CONDITIONS (specifying system conditions)

In the SYSTEM_CONDITIONS tag, you can specify an installation directory for remote installation, and client system conditions that are prerequisite to the installation. This tag can be used in the dcmpack command.

The following shows the contents of specifiable parameters and the correspondence between parameters and command arguments:

Parameter Description Command argument
directory Installation directory /D installation-directory
condition System conditions /O system-condition
Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Explanation
(3) Available hard disk space as a condition
(4) Specifying a CPU type as a condition
(5) Specifying the presence or absence of a coprocessor as a condition
(6) Specifying the size of real memory, user memory, or GDI system resources as a condition
(7) Specifying the OS version as a condition
(8) Notes

(1) Format


(2) Explanation

(3) Available hard disk space as a condition

You can use the following method to specify available hard disk space as a system condition:

condition=H: drive-name equality-sign capacity
Specify one alphanumeric character that denotes a drive.
Specify one of the following symbols, depending on the specific condition:
=, >, >=, <, or <=
Specify a capacity in units of MB.

Specification example:
Specify the condition C drive with a minimum available free space of 1 gigabyte as follows:
condition=H:C> 1000

(4) Specifying a CPU type as a condition

You can use the following method to specify a CPU type as a system condition:

condition=C: equality-sign CPU-type
Specify = or <>.
Specify one of the following character strings:
  • For AMD64 or Intel EM64T: AMD64/Intel EM64T
  • For Intel i386 or an equivalent CPU: intel 80386
  • For Intel i486 or an equivalent CPU: intel 80486
  • For Intel Pentium or an equivalent CPU: intel Pentium
  • For COMPAQ Alpha or HP Alpha: DEC Alpha
  • For Intel IPF or an equivalent CPU: Intel IPF
  • For PowerPC: PowerPC

Specification example:
Specify the condition a Pentium CPU or equivalent as follows:
condition=C=intel Pentium

  • You cannot specify system conditions on a client that uses an Intel 80486 CPU under Windows NT, Windows 98, or Windows 95, or an installation error may result.

(5) Specifying the presence or absence of a coprocessor as a condition

Specify the following to make the presence or absence of a coprocessor a condition:

A coprocessor provided:

A coprocessor not provided:

(6) Specifying the size of real memory, user memory, or GDI system resources as a condition

When specifying the size of real memory, user memory, or GDI system resources as a condition, you can specify system conditions as follows:

condition= size-type equality-sign size
R: real memory size
U: user memory size
G: GDI system resources size
Specify one of the following symbols, depending on the specific condition:
=, >, >=, <, or <=
Specify real memory and user memory sizes in megabytes. A GDI system resources size should be specified in kilobytes.

Specification example
Specify the condition a minimum real memory size of 16 MB as follows:

(7) Specifying the OS version as a condition

When specifying the OS version as a condition, you can specify system conditions as follows:

condition=O equality-sign OS-version
Specify one of the following symbols depending on the specific condition:
=, >, >=, <, or <=
Specify one of the following items depending on the specific condition:
Any, Windows, Windows8, WindowsServer2012, Windows7, WindowsServer2008R2, WindowsServer2008, WindowsVista, WindowsServer2003, WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindowsNT, WindowsMe, Windows98, Windows95, or MSDOS. Any means any Windows.
Specify the OS version, revision, or generation in a vvrr format using a maximum of 4 numeric characters.

Specification example:
Specify the condition Windows with an OS version 4.00 or higher as follows:
condition=O>=Any 0400

(8) Notes