Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


1.3.1 Procedure for starting operation of JP1/Software Distribution

When the user management facilities are used, the procedure for starting operation of JP1/Software Distribution is as follows:

  1. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager (configure a distribution management system).
    Install JP1/Base on the same computer on which JP1/Software Distribution Manager is installed.
  2. Install JP1/Base (configure an authentication server).
    For details about how to install JP1/Base and configure an authentication server, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
    You can install either the distribution management server first or the authentication server first; the installation order does not matter.
  3. Set up JP1/Base.
    Set up JP1/Base on the computer on which JP1/Software Distribution Manager is installed. Specify the authentication server to which you want to connect.
  4. On the authentication server, set up the JP1/Software Distribution users.
    On the authentication server, set up JP1 users who will use JP1/Software Distribution. For details about how to set up JP1 users, see 1.3.2 Setting up users on the authentication server.
  5. Set up JP1/Software Distribution.
    Set up JP1/Software Distribution.
  6. Start operation of JP1/Software Distribution.
    Operate JP1/Software Distribution in accordance with the permission level granted to the particular user.