5. adbchgchunkcomment (Set, Change, and Delete Comments for Chunks)
8. adbchgsqltrc (Start or Stop Output of SQL Trace Information)
10. adbclientdefmang (Centralized Management of Client Definitions)
11. adbcolumnize (Manage the Updated-Row Columnizing Facility)
13. adbdbstatus (Analyze the Database Status)
13.3 Items that are output as summary information for DB areas
13.4 Items that are output as summary information for tables
13.5 Items that are output as summary information for indexes
13.6 Items that are output in the summary information of archived chunks
13.7 Items that are output as usage information for DB areas, tables, and indexes
13.8 Items that are output in the usage information of archived chunks
13.9 Items that are output as information about the need for reorganization
13.10.1 Checking the usage of the entire database (output of summary information for DB areas)
13.10.2 Checking the usage of a specific DB area (output of summary information for a DB area)
13.10.3 Checking the usage of a specific table (output of summary information for a table)
13.10.4 Checking the status of a specific table (output of summary information for a table)
13.10.5 Checking the usage of a specific index (output of summary information for an index)
13.10.6 Checking the status of a specific index (output of summary information for an index)
15. adbgetcst (Collect Cost Information)
15.5 Handling abnormal termination of the adbgetcst command
15.5.1 What to check if the adbgetcst command terminates abnormally
15.5.2 If the command terminated abnormally while collecting cost information for a specific table
15.5.3 If the command terminated abnormally while collecting cost information for all tables
15.5.4 If the command terminated abnormally while deleting cost information for a specific table
15.5.5 If the command terminated abnormally while deleting cost information for all tables
17.6 Format of input data files (fixed-length format specifications)
17.10 Handling abnormal termination of the adbimport command
20. adbinit (Initialize the Database)
22. adbls -d cltgrp (Display Information on Client Groups and Command Groups)
25. adbls -d lbuf (Display Local Work Table Buffer Information)
27. adbls -d mem (Display the Memory Usage Status)
28. adbls -d node (Display the HADB Server Status on Each Node)
29. adbls -d shm (Display Shared Memory Information)
32. adbls -d ver (Display the HADB Server's Version Information)
34. adbmodarea (Add and Change DB Areas)
34.3.1 Adding a DB area (creating DB area files using block special files)
34.3.2 Adding a DB area (creating DB area files using regular files)
34.3.3 Deleting a DB area (deleting DB area files that are block special files)
34.3.4 Deleting a DB area (deleting DB area files that are regular files)
34.3.5 Expanding a DB area (adding DB area files using block special files)
34.3.6 Expanding a DB area (adding DB area files using regular files)
38. adbsql (Execute SQL Statements)
38.5.7 #GETCOUNT (gets the number of data items stored in a chunk)
38.5.11 #SET BINARY_DISP_MODE (specifies the binary data output format)
38.5.13 #SET DUMPMODE (displays the search results in hexadecimal)
38.5.14 #SET EXECTIME REPORT (outputs SQL statement execution time)
38.5.16 #SET OPT REPORT (displays index, work table, and access path information)
38.5.17 #SET TRAN_ISOLV (specifies the transaction isolation level)
38.6 Operating method when dynamic parameters are specified in an SQL statement
40. adbstat (Perform Statistical Analysis of the HADB Server)
42. adbsyndict (Manage Synonym Dictionary)
42.5 Handling abnormal termination of the adbsyndict command