
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

33.3.1 Merging all chunks in a table

This example merges under the following conditions all chunks in table TABLE01 into a new chunk:

  1. CHUNK is specified when table TABLE01 is defined (table TABLE01 is a multi-chunk table).

  2. B-tree, text, and range indexes are defined for table TABLE01.

  3. Data was imported into table TABLE01 by applying the background-import facility twice.

  4. Table TABLE01 has chunks with chunk IDs 1, 2, and 3.

  5. The chunk ID of table TABLE01's current chunk is 3.


This example uses the following procedure to execute the adbmergechunk command.

  1. Create a merge chunk option file.

  2. Execute the adbmergechunk command.

Using an example, the following subsections explain each of these steps.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a merge chunk option file

This example creates a merge chunk option file and specifies merge chunk options in that file.

Example of a merge chunk option file
set adb_mergechunk_rthd_num = 3
set adb_mergechunk_scan_buff_size = 2

(2) Executing the adbmergechunk command

adbmergechunk -u ADBUSER01                                       ...1
              -p '#HelloHADB_01'                                 ...2
              -z /home/adbmanager/merge_file/mergechunk_opt.txt  ...3
              -m 'January 2014'                                  ...4
              -c ALL                                             ...5
              TABLE01                                            ...6
  1. Specifies the authorization identifier of the HADB user who executes the adbmergechunk command.

  2. Specifies the password for the authorization identifier that is specified in the -u option.

  3. Specifies the absolute path name of the merge chunk option file created in (1) Creating a merge chunk option file.

  4. Specifies a comment to be set in the merge-target chunk.

  5. Specifies ALL in the -c option to merge all chunks in the target table (TABLE01).

    This example merges chunks with chunk IDs 1, 2, and 3. After the adbmergechunk command has executed, the merge-target chunk becomes the current chunk.

  6. Specifies the table to be processed (TABLE01).