
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

38.5.14 #SET EXECTIME REPORT (outputs SQL statement execution time)


Specifies whether to output the execution time of the following SQL statements:

  • Definition SQL statements

  • Data manipulation SQL statements

  • Control SQL statements

The following times are output for SQL statement execution time.

  • For definition SQL statements

    The time between the point preceding issuance of a_rdb_SQLAllocStmt() and completion of a_rdb_SQLFreeStmt()

  • For the SELECT statement

    The time from fetching the first row (the first a_rdb_SQLFetch()) to fetching the last row (the last a_rdb_SQLFetch() that is issued)

  • For data manipulation SQL statements, excluding the SELECT statement

    The time between the point preceding issuance of a_rdb_SQLExecute() and completion of a_rdb_SQLExecute()

  • For control SQL statements

    The time between the point preceding issuance of a_rdb_SQLEndTran() and completion of a_rdb_SQLEndTran()

The initial value is OFF (do not output SQL statement execution time).


ON: Outputs SQL statement execution time.

OFF: Does not output SQL statement execution time.

The following shows the output format for SQL statement execution time when ON is specified:

KFAA96415-I SQL processing time (aa....aa) : ssssssssssss.pppppp sec.

aa....aa: Displays the action that was executed. If row fetching was performed, Fetch is displayed. If an SQL statement was executed, Execute is displayed.

ssssssssssss: Displays a number of seconds. The effective digits are displayed, left-justified.

pppppp: Displays fractional seconds.


If an error occurs, SQL statement execution time is not output.