
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

13.7.1 Output order of usage information for DB areas, tables, and indexes

The rows containing usage information for DB areas, tables, and indexes are output in ascending order of the DB area IDs.

When multiple DB areas have the same DB area ID, the information to be output differs depending on whether tables and indexes are stored in the applicable DB area.

The rules applicable to the information output order are explained separately below for the following cases:

Organization of this subsection

(1) DB areas that store tables and indexes

When multiple DB areas that have the same DB area ID store tables and indexes, information is output in the following order:

  1. Table and index usage

  2. DB area file usage

The following rules apply to the output order of each of these information items.

Output order of the usage values for tables and indexes

If one DB area stores both tables and indexes, the usage values for tables are output first and then the usage values for indexes are output.

Output order of the usage values for tables

The usage values for the tables stored in the same DB area are output according to the following rules:

  1. When DB area files consist of multiple block special files, order in which the DB area files were specified when the adbinit or adbmodarea command was executed

    The DB area file names are output to the DBarea_filename column.

  2. Ascending order of the table names (schema-name (Schema_name column).table-identifier (Object_identifier column))

Output order of the usage values for indexes

The usage values for the indexes stored in the same DB area are output according to the following rules:

  1. When DB area files consist of multiple block special files, order in which the DB area files were specified when the adbinit or adbmodarea command was executed

    The DB area file names are output to the DBarea_filename column.

  2. Ascending order of the index names (schema-name (Schema_name column).index-identifier (Object_identifier column))

Output order of the usage values for DB area files

If one DB area contains DB area files that consist of multiple block special files, the usage values for the DB area files are output in the order in which the DB area files were defined when the adbinit or adbmodarea command was executed (the DB area file names are output to the DBarea_filename column).

(2) DB areas that do not store tables and indexes

If a DB area does not store tables and indexes, only DB area file usage is output. Table and index usage is not output.

The following rule applies to the output order of DB area file usage.

Output order of DB area file usage

If a single DB area contains a DB area file that uses multiple block special files, DB area file usage is output according to the order in which DB area files were defined by executing the adbinit or adbmodarea command. (The DB area file name is output to the DBarea_filename column.)