
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

16.1.1 Functional overview

The adbidxrebuild command retrieves table data and creates index information. The adbidxrebuild command uses that index information to rebuild the indexes that have been defined for the table. This series of processing steps is called index rebuild processing. The following figure provides an overview of index rebuild processing.

Figure 16‒1: Overview of index rebuild processing



When the adbidxrebuild command is executed, table data is retrieved and index information is created. The indexes defined for the table are rebuilt based on that information. If B-tree indexes, text indexes, and range indexes are defined for the table, the range indexes are rebuilt first, and then the B-tree and text indexes are rebuilt.

You can release indexes from unfinished status by using the adbidxrebuild command to rebuild them.

The following explains the files:
  • Index identifier file

    This file is used to specify the identifiers of the indexes that are to be rebuilt by the adbidxrebuild command.

  • Index rebuild option file

    This file contains options that are to be used to set up an execution environment for the adbidxrebuild command.

  • Temporary work files

    These are work files that are created temporarily during index rebuild processing. They are deleted automatically when index rebuild processing terminates normally.


When the adbidxrebuild command is executed on a multi-chunk table, index rebuild processing is performed separately for each chunk. A message displays the chunk ID of the chunk for which index rebuild processing is underway. Note that index rebuild processing is not performed for archived chunks because they have no indexes.

Figure 16‒2: Index rebuild processing on a multi-chunk table
