13.10 Examples
This section explains by way of examples how to use the adbdbstatus command to check the database status.
In the output examples, the delimiters and some of the columns are omitted for readability.
- Organization of this section
13.10.1 Checking the usage of the entire database (output of summary information for DB areas)
13.10.2 Checking the usage of a specific DB area (output of summary information for a DB area)
13.10.3 Checking the usage of a specific table (output of summary information for a table)
13.10.4 Checking the status of a specific table (output of summary information for a table)
13.10.5 Checking the usage of a specific index (output of summary information for an index)
13.10.6 Checking the status of a specific index (output of summary information for an index)