
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

13.10.6 Checking the status of a specific index (output of summary information for an index)

This example outputs summary information for a specific index (ADBUSER01.INDEX01) and checks the following:

adbdbstatus command that is executed

adbdbstatus -c index              ...1
            -n ADBUSER01.INDEX01  ...2
  1. Specifies index as the range of summary information collection.

  2. Specifies the name of the index (ADBUSER01.INDEX01) for which summary information is to be collected.

When the adbdbstatus command is executed, summary information for index ADBUSER01.INDEX01 is output.

The following shows how to check the output results.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Determining whether the index is in unfinished status


To determine whether index ADBUSER01.INDEX01 is in unfinished status:

  1. Check the schema name and index identifier of the index.

    Verify that the schema name (ADBUSER01) of the index is output in the column headed Schema_name (column 5 in the output results) and the index identifier (INDEX01) is output in the column headed Index_identifier (column 6 in the output results).

  2. Determine whether the index is in unfinished status.

    If the index is in unfinished status, unfinished is displayed in the column headed Unfinished (column 15 in the output results). To determine the type of the index that is in unfinished status, check the column headed Index_type (column 8 in the output results).

    For details about how to release B-tree indexes from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a B-tree index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    For details about how to release text indexes from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a text index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    For details about how to release range indexes from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a range index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.


    If the --shared-lock option is specified, no_check is displayed in the column headed Unfinished (column 15 in the output results). Information about whether the index is in unfinished status is not output. If you want to determine whether the index is in unfinished status, do not specify the --shared-lock option.

(2) Determining whether a uniqueness constraint violation occurred on the index


To determine whether a uniqueness constraint violation occurred on index ADBUSER01.INDEX01:

  1. Check the schema name and index identifier of the index.

    Verify that the schema name (ADBUSER01) of the index is output in the column headed Schema_name (column 5 in the output results) and the index identifier (INDEX01) is output in the column headed Index_identifier (column 6 in the output results).

  2. Check whether a uniqueness constraint violation occurred on the index.

    If a uniqueness constraint violation occurred on the index, unique_constraint_violated is displayed in the column headed Unique_constraint_violated (column 12 in the output results).

    For details about how to release the index from uniqueness constraint violation, see Steps to take when the uniqueness constraint is violated (when the KFAA61205-W message is output) in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.


    If the --shared-lock option is specified, no_check is displayed in the column headed Unique_constraint_violated (column 12 in the output results). Information about uniqueness constraint violation of the index is not output. If you want to determine whether a uniqueness constraint violation occurred on the index, do not specify the --shared-lock option.