
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

13.10.9 Finding the file size of each archive file corresponding to an archived chunk created in a specific table (outputting usage information of an archived chunk)

Find the file size (units: bytes) of each archive file corresponding to an archived chunk created in a specific table (ADBUSER01.TABLE01) by outputting usage information from the archived chunk.

▪ Example of executing the adbdbstatus command

adbdbstatus -d used                   ...1
            -c archivechunk           ...2
            -n ADBUSER01.TABLE01      ...3
            -r 2015/01/01-2015/12/31  ...4
  1. Usage information is specified as the information to be output.

  2. Archived chunks are specified as a range from which to obtain usage information.

  3. The table name (ADBUSER01.TABLE01) from which to obtain usage information about archived chunks is specified. The archivable multi-chunk table must be specified at this time.

  4. A range of dates (2015/01/01-2015/12/31) for which to output chunk information is specified based on the values of the archive range columns corresponding to the chunks.

    The data type in the archive range column is DATE.

When the adbdbstatus command is executed, the usage information of archived chunks created in the table ADBUSER01.TABLE01 is output.

In the following procedure, the file size (units: bytes) of each archive file corresponding to the archived chunks is found based on the output results.



  1. Check the table schema name and table identifier.

    Confirm that the table schema name (ADBUSER01) is output in the Schema_name column (7th column in the output results), and that the table identifier (TABLE01) is output in the Object_identifier column (8th column in the output results).

  2. Check the file name of each archive file corresponding to the archived chunk.

    Check the name of the file output in the Archive_file_name column (16th column in the output results).

  3. Find the file size (units: bytes) of each archive file corresponding to the archived chunk.

    Check the value of the Archive_file_size column (17th column in the output results).


    If nothing is output to the Archive_file_name column, the value output to the Archive_file_size column is the total size of all archive files corresponding to the chunk. The chunk ID of the corresponding chunk can be checked in the Chunk_ID column (column 10 in the output results).
