
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

14.6 Compression format of output data files

This section explains the compression format of output data files.

The adbexport command can be used to export table data by compressing the output data file (CSV format) in the following compression format.

▪ Compression format of output data files
  • GZIP format

You can obtain output data files (CSV format) compressed in GZIP format by executing the adbexport command with the --compress GZIP option specified.


For details about the format of output data files (CSV format), see 14.5 Format of output data files (CSV format).

The data of output data files compressed in GZIP format (CSV format) can be searched by using the ADB_CSVREAD function. For details about the ADB_CSVREAD function, see ADB_CSVREAD function in System-defined functions in Constituent Elements in the manual HADB SQL Reference.

The data of output data files compressed in GZIP format (CSV format) can be imported by using the adbimport command. Output data files compressed in GZIP format (CSV format) can be used as input data files compressed in GZIP format (CSV format). For details about the compression format of input data files, see 17.7 Compression format of input data files.


Output data files compressed in GZIP format can be decompressed by using the following OS commands:

  • gzip -d command

  • gunzip command

  • zcat command