
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

43.5.1 First thing to check

Check if the following messages have been issued:

If either of these messages has been output, there is an error in the specified command options or unarchive chunk options. Correct the error in the command options or unarchive chunk options, and then re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command.

If neither of the preceding messages was output, eliminate the cause of the command terminating abnormally, and re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command. For details, see 43.5.2 Corrective actions to take when the adbunarchivechunk command is canceled, by time of cancellation.

For details about invalid -c option specifications, see (3) Errors that can be caused by the -c option in 43.2.1 Explanation of the specification format and options.

Also, for details about invalid -r option specifications, see the following resources for each type of range specification.


As a rule, do not change the values specified in the -c option or the -r option when re-executing the adbunarchivechunk command. If you change these values, the target chunks of chunk unarchive processing might change. If this happens, unarchiving might not be performed even if you re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command that terminated abnormally on the chunks that were not unarchived.