
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

43.5.2 Corrective actions to take when the adbunarchivechunk command is canceled, by time of cancellation

The corrective actions to take when the adbunarchivechunk command terminates abnormally, differ depending on when the adbunarchivechunk command was canceled.

The following table describes the state of tables and indexes, and corrective action to take depending on when the command was canceled.

Table 43‒16: Table and index states, and corrective action to take depending on when the adbunarchivechunk command was canceled

When canceled#1

Table and index states

Corrective action to take

During creation of a table data part

  • Table state

    The table is in either of the following states:

    - No data

    - Same as before the adbunarchivechunk command was executed

  • Index state

    B-tree, text, and range indexes are in either of the following states:

    - No data

    - Same as before the adbunarchivechunk command was executed

See (1) If the command is canceled during creation of a table data part.

During sort processing

  • Table state

    The table is non-updatable.

  • Index state

    Import of range indexes is complete.

    Import of B-tree and text indexes is incomplete.

See (2) If the command is canceled during sort processing or creation of indexes.

During creation (but not during update) of B-tree and text indexes#2

  • Table state

    The table is non-updatable.

  • Index state

    Import of range indexes is complete.

    Import of B-tree and text indexes is incomplete.


B-tree indexes that correspond to a primary key are also included in the B-tree indexes.


You can determine when the command was canceled by the messages that are issued, as shown in the following:



If the KFAA80204-I message (with a return code of 0 or 4) is output, the import processing of tables and indexes is complete. In this case, the adbunarchivechunk command does not need to be re-executed.

If the KFAA80204-I message is not output, execute the following command, and then check the second line in the output results (the column titles occupy the first line in the output results):

adbdbstatus -c table -n name-of-table-for-which-adbunarchivechunk-command-was-canceled

Specify name-of-table-for-which-adbunarchivechunk-command-was-canceled in the format schema-name.table-identifier.

When the value of the Command_status column (17th column) is abort, and the value of the Rerun_command column (18th column) is adbunarchivechunk

Chunk unarchive processing is incomplete. Re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command.


When no value is output to the Command_status column (17th column) or the Rerun_command column (18th column)

Chunk unarchive processing is complete. You do not need to re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command.



Even if chunk unarchive processing is complete, end processing (deletion of temporary work files) might be incomplete. In this case, if you execute the adbunarchivechunk command on the same table you specified the last time you executed the adbunarchivechunk command, only the incomplete end processing is performed (a KFAA80216-I message displaying process = Terminate is output).

If you execute the adbunarchivechunk command not to complete end processing but to execute chunk unarchive processing, and a KFAA80216-I message is output, you need to execute the adbunarchivechunk command again after the end processing is completed.

Furthermore, when you execute the adbunarchivechunk command to complete end processing, any changes made to the -c option or -r option specifications are invalid (chunk unarchive processing is performed on chunks corresponding to the range specified in the -c option or -r option last time you executed the adbunarchivechunk command).

▪ If you are using the multi-node function

If the adbunarchivechunk command is canceled and the table to be processed becomes non-updatable, make the base table updatable by re-executing the canceled adbunarchivechunk command.

If you can use the node on which the canceled adbunarchivechunk command was executed, re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command on the same node.

Organization of this subsection

(1) If the command is canceled during creation of a table data part

The following shows the measures to be taken if the KFAA80218-I message, which is output at the start of sort processing, has not been output.

  1. Check the messages that have been issued and identify the cause of the error.

  2. Take appropriate action to eliminate the cause of the error.

  3. Re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command.

(2) If the command is canceled during sort processing or creation of indexes

The following shows the measures to be taken if the KFAA80218-I message, which is output at the start of sort processing, has been output.

  1. Check the messages that have been issued and identify the cause of the error.

  2. Take appropriate action to eliminate the cause of the error.

  3. Re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command.