
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

1.4.3 Table name specification rules

This subsection explains the rules that apply to specifying a table name for a command argument.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Specification rules that apply if a table name contains any lowercase letter

If the table name to be specified for a command argument contains any lowercase letter, use either of the following specification formats:

If these specification rules are not followed, all characters in the schema name and table identifier are interpreted as uppercase letters. For example, if ADBUser01.Table01 is specified, it is assumed that ADBUSER01.TABLE01 is specified.

(2) Specification rules that apply if a table name contains a backslash (\)

If the table name to be specified for a command argument contains a backslash (\), use either of the following specification formats:

  1. Enclose the entire table name between single quotation marks (').

  2. Specify the escape character (\) immediately before the backslash.

If the table name contains lowercase letters, use specification format 1.

Example 1: If the table name is ADBUser01.Table\01:


Example 2: If the table name is ADBUSER01.TABLE\01: