
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

42.3.3 Deleting a synonym dictionary

In this example, the following two synonym dictionaries are deleted:

This example uses the following procedure to execute the adbsyndict command.

  1. Create a dictionary deletion file.

  2. Execute the adbsyndict command.

Using examples, the following subsections explain each of these steps.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a dictionary deletion file

A dictionary deletion file is created, which specifies the name of the synonym dictionary to be deleted.

Example of specifying a dictionary deletion file

Legend: ↓: Line break

In this example, the above dictionary deletion file is saved under the following file name:

(2) Executing the adbsyndict command

adbsyndict -d /home/adbmanager/dictionary_delete.txt

In the -d option, specify the absolute path name of the dictionary deletion file created in (1) Creating a dictionary deletion file.


For the rules for specifying dictionary deletion files, see Deleting synonym dictionaries in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.