42.3.1 Registering a synonym dictionary
In this example, the following two synonym dictionaries are registered:
This example uses the following procedure to execute the adbsyndict command.
- Procedure
Create a synonym list definition file.
Create a dictionary creation file.
Execute the adbsyndict command.
Using examples, the following subsections explain each of these steps.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating a synonym list definition file
A synonym list definition file specifying a list of synonyms is created.
- Example of specifying a synonym list definition file (Dictionary1)
database,data bank,DB↓
- Example of specifying a synonym list definition file (Dictionary2)
application server,AP server↓
Legend: ↓: Line break
In this example, the above two synonym list definition files are saved under the following file names:
(2) Creating a dictionary creation file
A dictionary creation file is created, which specifies information about the synonym dictionary to be registered.
- Example of specifying a dictionary creation file
Dictionary1,/home/adbmanager/dictionary1_synonym.txt,CORRECTIONRULE,database-synonym↓ Dictionary2,/home/adbmanager/dictionary2_synonym.txt,CASESENSITIVE,application-server-synonym↓
Legend: ↓: Line break
- Explanation:
1st column
Specifies the synonym dictionary name.
2nd column
Specifies the absolute path name of the synonym list definition file created in (1) Creating a synonym list definition file.
3rd column
The notation-correction option is specified. Specify either of the following:
CORRECTIONRULE: Specify this option when creating a synonym dictionary that supports notation-correction searches.
CASESENSITIVE: Specify this option when creating a synonym dictionary that does not support notation-correction searches.
4th column
Specifies the synonym dictionary comment.
In this example, the above dictionary creation file is saved under the following file name:
(3) Executing the adbsyndict command
adbsyndict -m /home/adbmanager/dictionary_information.txt
- Explanation:
In the -m option, specify the absolute path name of the dictionary creation file created in (2) Creating a dictionary creation file.
- Note
For the rules for specifying synonym list definition files, see Specification rules for a synonym list definition file in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.
For details about the rules for specifying dictionary creation files, see Specification rules for a dictionary creation file in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.